And you had little to no accuracy?
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You are so very, very wrong.
with the magnetism in halo 1, the ar was not much less accurate than it is in halo 3 and reach. at that, it was FAR more useful than the ar in halo 3 (which was useless, really), and i would still prefer it over the ar in reach.
what happened with the ammo thing btw? it was like, here, hold 10 magazines for every weapon, then halo 2 rolls in and suddenly its always an ammo shortage.
"Tripod of power herp derp" and all that.
Splockets on Boardwalk has to be the most abominable thing I have EVER played. Some of the new community maps are neat, Abridged is OKAY but it can get tasteless after a while. I''m finding it extremely hard to find a CTF game though and that bothers me. I played a game of Stockpile on Renegade (I have either V2 or 3 in my files) and it was a blast.
Try DLC Playlist if you want CTF and Assault; I played half of my games as objective when I played in that playlist.
I've never really minded the ammo shortage. If anything, I become less pissed because my AR runs out of stock ammo and I have nothing to shoot with after that. Makes me feel like a Badass in the middle of a firefight when I get a Triple Kill and that happens.
What does bug me is the switch from 60 to 32 in the magazine capacity. That has bothered me on many occasions. It's like "FIRE", "OSHI RELOAD", "FIRE", "CRAP GOTTA RELOAD AGAIN!", "FIRE", "DAMMIT I DIE BECAUSE I CANT RELOAD ANY FASTERRRR!!!!!!!" I just wished they would have made the capacity more reliable. It's one thing I constantly worry about when I use the AR, though it is one of my favorite weapons (check my Invasion Stats).
Bungie is really proud of their reloading animations so they want you to see them more often.
Read: Shotgun
I've always liked the Shotgun's reload on the top.
On topic of writers, can 343i please recruit this guy?
Just owned a Bungie employee in SWAT.
(Hes ViralMemito)
You sure he's actually an employee, or did he just get the nameplate and blue flames from the iPhone app?