Haven't had the chance to play it, but I've heard a lot of people love/hate it, so I'll definitely keep my eyes peeled for it. I also need to play Mt. Lam Lam apparently. What playlist are they? Are they in BTB All Stars?
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I played them in the regular BTB Playlist, so try looking in there. Wayont came up a lot in the Flagstravaganza playlist since it's an excellent CTF map.
Wayont is my favorite map currently. I just stick around the base and use the needle rifle or dmr to kill people dumb enough to walk out in the open, which is nearly everyone. Don't think I've ever had a bad game on it.
Just played Wayont. It's a nice map, very picturesque, offers a lot of options, but I didn't like the lack of the amount of weapons spread across the map. That or I just couldn't find any outside the perimeter of the bases and the Concussion Rifle. Oh and the Slayer version needs to remove Armor Lock and replace with Evade. I also just played a HORRIBLE match on Wayont, then my Xbox Lagged me out. It was nothing like the match I played before where it felt balanced and still competitive. That first game felt like Halo 2's awesome BTB. This second game was just awful, it felt like nothing except a DMRs match between two teams. Basically it felt like a game of Hemorrhage. I was also spawn killed once or twice because I spawned in a completely unprotected cave, which baffles me why there was not a shield door to protect the spawns. Still I guess the map's fun rate for Wayont depends on who you're playing against and what gametype. Slayer just doesn't work on it, in my opinion.
I just played Multi-Flag on Hemorrhage in BTB All Stars and I still hate that map with a damn passion. It's so one-sided and whoever owns the Warthogs and Revenants wins. It offers to defense for a defensive team besides the freaking base itself and the Sniper makes it unbearable, not to mention there is nothing inside the base (no Plasmas, really?) to defend off vehicles (PP doesn't count).
I also hate how K/D Ratio is calculated. I went from a 1.57 to a 1.60 in about five games of higher averages, most of which were above 2.00. Then I play 2 bad games of averages that fall below 1.60 and it falls to 1.59. Not that it's a big deal, but I seriously don't get it.
Originally Posted by 343i
Thank goodness, a title update. Halo 2 got a TU it desperately needed, and now Halo Reach will get a TU. It makes me wish that Halo 3 got a TU too. All of the dual-wieldable weapons were awful, for example, and the BR too dominant. Even just giving the magnum a bit more aim assist would've helped out Halo 3 tremendously.
Oh, sweet. That could pretty well seal the deal for me buying HA10 now.
Oh, fucking win. Even the ability to add in new options would add a lot to the game. And I'm so glad they're working to make the Ha10 maps feel more like Halo 1 while being in Reach. My hopes just went up tenfold.
So they'll be able to allow a playlist that has all Halo 1 gameplay mechanics? Nice!
I'm sure those changes will only be tweakable by them in the backend (ie, there won't be some editor added in the mainmenu, it's only a small TU).
Unless they're doing to thru Megalo...but that'd require updating and changing every variant to support the option...and I don't recall seeing anything that would suggest a "disable fall damage", so they may be adding extra internal Megalo actions.
Or they're just creating some hopper config file which has game globals overrides, in which case my first sentence still expresses my feelings.
Also, the fucking Bag o Swag got sold out over night :|
Dude, if I would have had money, I probably would have bid for some of that stuff. Too bad I have to save money for college.
BTW Korn, your sig is scaring me. Badly. x(