Send me a friend request. I'm online until the end of July (I think). I usually jump into a few games with Delta and Nugget depending whether or not they're online.
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Send me a friend request. I'm online until the end of July (I think). I usually jump into a few games with Delta and Nugget depending whether or not they're online.
Did anyone get that Bungie iPhone app that let you gift the star nameplates to people. I was going to get the star nameplate with some friends (they played the 5 invasion games but hadn't played in the All Stars playlist yet). Apparently Bungie ended the All Stars playlist today. I thought it was going to last until 7/7.
I only played 1 game in the all stars playlist and I don't own any apple product, yet I was able to simply sign into my account this week and add the blue flames and the star.
If you got into an All-Stars playlist (BTB Allstars) then you automatically got it. That and Bungie said you could get the stuff EARLY with the iPhone, but they probably made it available for everyone after the initial stuff.
I cant see the playlist :/
I believe they ended it on Thursday last week. That and you had to play at least 5 Invasion games and do pretty good to get into the playlist.
It was a decent playlist, but the gametypes (once again) made good maps bad (Wayont+DMR Slayer=SUCK).
I also rage-quitted for the first time in months when I returned to a game after taking my dog back to my backyard (he somehow got inside) and found that two assholes were spawn-camping my spawn. What's worse is that I never got revenge and then the territory got captured so i lost the bastard. To say the least, I yelled pretty damn loud. I'm so tired of Bungie still not addressing spawn-camping issues. In Invasion it's the worst, but what I don't get is why the designers didn't make Team specific safety zones.
Pretty cute ads. Interesting how Microsoft is using Noble 6 in the advertisements, considering he dies. I'm surprised MS let Bungie kill him off, since he would've made a decent player character to use in future Halo games.
im sure team specific safe zones would have been terrible for gameplay. one team would get the lead, then just sit there until time runs out. its like HLG minus the H. if you add a countdown timer or something to force the people out of the spawn, the other team will just camp the exit to the safe zone.
Too bad you can't "trap" (eg, make them slower, or drain their health slowly, etc) an enemy player once he sticks around the spawn zone for too long. Making it impossible for them to trot off, grab extra ammo, or health, come back and continue to be a fucking douche. The camper could them become the camped.