is it just me or are some of those kill counts fucking outrageously huge?
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Vidocs out..gogogogo
That was absolutely magnificent, sad to see Halo leave the 'real' creators but new project seems intriguing.
Great vidoc. All that talk about how perfect Reach was made me cringe, though.
I agree. I'll miss it all though; Bungie, in my opinion, has always led the Halo charge flawlessly, even when a lot of others say they haven't. I came into Halo around Halo 2, then I worked back to Halo PC to play Halo 1. I started multiplayer playing LAN games at my school, afterwards becoming involved with the community and starting XBL with the Halo 3 Beta. Though there have been a million times where I've utterly been furious at the game or at Bungie, I'll still always think Halo belongs in their hands. I'm nervous to be honest, that more than just the story will be violated by Microsoft's corporate hunger, as music was probably my favorite thing about Halo aesthetically. As long as the next ones to carry the torch can match that, then I think Halo will be okay.
Who ever handles the challenges at 343i now is really herp-derping with the goddamn number 343. An omen for the Halo brand perhaps? Perhaps.
You're talking about the challenges right, Korn? I noticed that they all seemed to end in "343" :ohdear:
Must've missed that :downs:
From MLG and Halo: Is this the end of the road?Quote:
Originally Posted by urk