Didn't they add finger bones to the Chief in the 343GS cinematic?
I think they were just too lazy to add more than the one mouth-bone for cinematics.
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Didn't they add finger bones to the Chief in the 343GS cinematic?
I think they were just too lazy to add more than the one mouth-bone for cinematics.
They really didn't give that much thought or two shits about these cinematics did they?
The cut-scenes were actually one of the worst parts about HA10. I generally skip them.
But the placed BR rounds will still win out over the trigger spamming. Maybe I wasn't straight-forward enough, but the point was that just because you can do it doesn't mean that it is effective. However, you can learn to spam a BR to make rapid headshots. By the same token, you can learn the spread of the DMR to do the same, just like you can do with Counter-Strike weapons. Both are skills to be learned. That is why I still maintain that bloom has not altered how we play the game in any real way.
First, there's no such thing as "spamming" precision weapons in pre-Reach games. Second, I don't understand your argument. The BR takes one set of skills to use effectively. The DMR takes a different set of skills to use effectively. Therefore they are basically the same?
I thought the BR was too powerful in a lot of situations, spam or not. Then again, having a lack of available cover and the enemy having grenades all of the damn time in every map didn't really help ton this down. I love grenades and all, but some times I really feel like they ruin the game at times.
The BR was very spammy, low spread meant all encounters were just max rof 'whoever shoots first wins' fights. Most boring way to play Halo ever, probably why MLG is so fond of it.
I'm saying that the end result is the same. How you play ends up being almost identical to how you've been playing. You still end up pacing your shots to get them to land where you want them.
And now that I'm caught up:
Actually, you just made that retarded leap of logic on your own. All I did was say that you keep bringing bloom up, while also saying that it's not a big deal, while also further stating that having to pace your shots is not a skill. I'm telling to stop bringing it up if it is so irrelevant, and to stop making the generalization that everyone just paces their shots, because they don't. Admittedly, I am lower in the rankings because I just don't play the game (because it sucks as a whole), but not because I am bad at it. However, that is hardly a measure of how much stock you should put in a comment; this isn't an e-peen measuring contest, this is about you making non-arguments on a consistent basis. I made my arguments and shot your posts down by calling them out for what they are. You made absolutely nothing in response other than the following statement:
"Whaaaaa, everyone is trolling me because I don't read my own original posts, and then I go and edit them so that it looks like they really are quoting me out of context."
Originally Posted by Pooky
Originally Posted by Pooky
Like I said, if it isn't that big of a deal: STOP. BRINGING. IT. UP. I didn't make any retarded leap of logic, you are just shoving words into my mouth as per usual. I've quoted you and used your arguments in context, and you have edited your posts after the fact to make what you were saying "more clear." The proof is in the fact that your last post contains no content, all filler.
You want a real competitive game? Go and play Starcraft II. Go play Red Orchestra. Reach, JKII, Call of Duty, and even Battlefield are little more than glory-hounding games where a single player can just skew results because of "skill." That "skill" is actually just knowing the game's mechanics and how to abuse them in such a way that it lets you do unholy things, things that were never even dreamed of during the game's development. I'm willing to wager that half of the stuff in Quake III is outside of the game's original design/gameplay parameters.
Real skill is knowing how to handily beat your opponent without abusing any mechanics, on a consistent basis. That's knowing what units to build early on in a game and how to organize your defense. That's knowing the distance to the target based on experience and how much you need to angle your shot to make that kill. That's knowing when to rush and when to turtle. That's knowing when to flank or when to throw that grenade and mop up. If we want to use games that you think are skillful (or not), that's knowing when to pull the trigger with your DMR, when to parry with your light-saber rather than thrust, or when to circumnavigate the map with your tank because experience tells you that all the other routes are an ambush in given conditions. THAT is skill.
I still don't get how people can consider 'spamming' a weapon with a constant rate of fire and spread to be a huge issue. It happens in almost every FPS game ever, because shooting your enemy more than 1 time in a row is generally the best way to kill them. What the hell is wrong with that?
Are you really overlooking the fact that the BR could be used in almost full auto with little bullet scatter which even if you strafed you have a one in three chance of getting a headshot in a game where there was little cover?
if that's the case, let's just spawn everyone with a turret which is one hit kill and locks onto everyone with unlimited distance and play an FPS version of tower defense.