how the hell does 'competitive' rule out players being able to join a game halfway in?
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how the hell does 'competitive' rule out players being able to join a game halfway in?
Because not letting players join mid-way prevents somebody really good from joining in the middle and turning the game around, "skewing" the results.
Yeah, it's total BS.
Basically, Halo takes its matchmaking way too seriously. CoD's matchmaking is far better. Instead of spending half an hour trying to find a 'fair' game it just throws you in with the first batch of people it can find.
tl;dr of the conversation: rankings are stupid and should GTFO of my Halo.
play halo 3's mlg playlist, make it to level 20 then tell me the community's not competitive
people take that shit serial
I stopped playing H3 because the last thing in life I need to stress out over is proving my worth in a fucking video game. I've got debt and employment for that.
How serious people take it doesn't make the game competitive. What makes a game competitive is it actually having a competitive pace and mechanics that don't behave as a handicap to those who already know what they are doing (i.e. aim assist and regenerating health).
Counter-Strike is probably the current epitome of a competitive first-person shooter.
That said, yeah. I never played Halo to prove my worth (or any video game, for that matter). I play them to relax and have fun. If something is causing me to pop a blood vessel (incessant griefers, bullshit mechanics, dysfunctional team) then I'm done. I don't do well in competitive environments because they force me to use tactics and equipment that I feel are cheap/low/not fun for me in order to not get demolished. I don't like being forced into picking up a DMR on a tiny map that the DMR should actually be terrible for.
Rank is srs business in the eyes of prepubecent children. I agree with Warsaw, Halo is made to be fun, but I'll be damned if a little kid kills me once and decides to tell me that I suck on a game that requires no skill. At least when I play Halo: CE, everyone has the nice mentality to call bot rather than saying I'm a n00b for killing them.
And to point out the quitting issue. This is what I'd like to avoid.
I play Halo for leisure. That being said, when I play it to wind-down and relax I expect to be able to enjoy myself. Then someone quits. Then I'm spawn killed. I'm not enjoying myself.
in h3's defense auto-aim didn't mean shit if the players strafe around randomly everywhere. part of the reason everyone loved h3's BR and called the game a competitive masterpiece was because the projectile velocity made the auto-aim completely useless in some situations. yeah, reach didn't have this.
and forgive me but I fail to see how shield regeneration makes a game less competitive. it's not like it regenerates mid-fight. it regenerates between fights to let everybody have a fair chance to kill other players, which encourages team play and "out BR-ing"
but what do I know, I'm not a 50. highest I got was 45
^ i like how that shit would hardly make a difference with a keyboard and mouse. but wow now that i see somebody actually put into words how to strafe around like that in first person, i can see why i hit a fucking wall in ranked slayer. got to 39, could never, for the life of me, hit 40.
watching that makes me want to try halo 3 again, but with a mouse and keyboard.