I personally thought, that even though they tried to make the brutes not-damage sponges. they still are damage sponges.
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I personally thought, that even though they tried to make the brutes not-damage sponges. they still are damage sponges.
oh good. elites are back. thanks bungie for doing something that you should have fucking done in ODST.
brutes suck. they were a cool idea in halo 2, albeit damage sponges, but once they got shields in halo 3 they became damage sponges with obnoxious recharging shields. i want to see elites with their shields hanging back, grunts charging forward, and brutes being their damage sponge selves. this energy armor on brutes is bullshit. theyre trying to make brutes into the new elite and its just not working.
i played halo 1 and 2's campaign through many times. it never got old. how many times have i played halo 3 or odst through? 2. brutes gtfo
oh and fix the fucking jackal snipers. i had a human sniper rifle in odst, and i shot a jackal sniper in the head 3 times. i hit the little helmet thing all 3 times. it didnt kill him. that kind of this is not good.
i found that after Halo 2 the flood were boring because in H3 they didnt live up to there name IMO
after halo 2 you could rip them to pieces with your bare hands and it really just wasn't the same experience. People bitch about halo1 and 2 flood because they were ssssoooooOOOoo much harder, but the only real difference was that melee didnt 1hitkill them.
why are you guys all saying "after halo 2"?
They weren't in Halo ODST and the only other halo game after 2 was 3. Just say "they sucked in Halo 3"
yea and what made them suck even worse, in halo3, you could also one shot kill them which meant that on legendary i would have half of the group dead with just a few BR burst and a grenade before they got to me (my point is they just wernt much of a challenge to me just a bunch of dumb zombies you think would be smarter when they had the Gravemind)
Agreed about the flood. The only flood forms that really lived up to their name were the pure forms (besides the stalkers) and the Elite Combat Forms. There was also a great lack of Carrier Forms. In fact, I can barely recall even having seen them in Halo 3.