Am I the only one who though Code Geass sucked? I hated how everyone looked, and the story was meh...
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Am I the only one who though Code Geass sucked? I hated how everyone looked, and the story was meh...
code geass is still the shit
Code Gayass just too smart of an anime fer yall
Seirei no Moribito (Moribito: Guardian of the Spirit) is a really good anime. Adult Swim is almost done airing the entire series, so dvd should be out by mid-december (if not already). There isn't a whole lot of spectacular fighting or action, but when there is it's amazing.
Or you can just get your hands on Anime-Kraze's excellent fansub relase that's floating around on the internet.
The anime's been released for two years now, no need to wait any more. :downs:
... Unless you suck and prefer dubs. :ugh:
Get less lazy. Reading subtitles is easy and you benefit hugely from the effort... not that there is any required. :colbert:
Though in all honesty I have encountered a few dubs that weren't half bad. I really liked Cromartie High's.