I was bored while the site was down so I played through Half-Life 2 Episode Two.
Here's some pics! :party:
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like, duh~
y0 sup d00ds
sweet rigs brahs
this is like the best thread in this forum
Thought I'd record me playing Left 4 Dead for you with my Canon HV30 so you could all see it in action even though you don't have it. :cool:
Or you can download the original source: http://jcap.h2vista.net/files/videos...ead_SoftTH.wmv
I cant play games with shit in the way, fuck that.
dude dual screen in sup com is like sex. i have two monitors that i use for it, my widescreen is the main, and the other is like the hud tactical. it's pure win.
Oh god I could never stand to have 3 monitors. Just one big giant one :iamafag: