They did that for Call of Duty 4's maps too, aside from the DLC maps.
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Liking the new screenies and the box art. Looks like it will be a solid, fun game to play.
Just move that crosshair up a few centimetres...:gonk:.
I'm disturbed at the way they're taking the multiplayer maps. I want straight up multiplayer designed maps, not ones ripped from campaign. That just seems a bit lazy to me. Besides, depending on the level depends on how well the map is.
In modern shitfest 2, the map Estate is a HORRIBLE mulitplayer map in two respects. 1, a sniper can camp the back field with amazing proficiency (I.E. I had a game of 25-4 while sniping with my WA2000). 2 everyone rushes for the goddamn house. They tried to put cover in the map, but the way the stupid elevation is it's damn near suicide to run out in the open if someone has the house or the field. Horrible gameplay imo. :/
Of course I could just be bitching out my ass. When I first got Modern Warfare 2 I thought it was fun despite my previous feelings and intentions...over time I began to realize it was a horrible shitfest because no one knows how to play. People don't play to play, they play to win and will do anything to win. (I.E. Noobtube the entire enemy team from the start on Hardcore SD, If you're reading this, and you do this, go kill yourself.)
Maybe the MP map quote was just meant for the Beta? I don't see how they wouldn't let the designers make "reincarnations" of certain past maps for Reach, unless they're saving them for DLC...
I hope DLC isn't just ALL reincarnations if that is the case.
Grenade launcher FTW, brute shot sucks.
Some of the white board shots show stickies with brutes (ie, brute captains) on them...wonder just how much the brute's part will be played this time? Obviously the elites are the new old-guys in town, but that doesn't mean we can't see packs of brutes in certain hot spots
EDIT: In the vidoc they show models of brutes (one holding a brute hammer), so yeah, brutes are still in this new Hay-lo
I'm loving the animations. Looks like the game is coming together nicely.