Is that the "y so srs" cat without the "makeup"?
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Is that the "y so srs" cat without the "makeup"?
yo dawg, i heard you like flame wars
so we made a flame thread about cmt, so you can flame while you flame the entire way away
But in all seriousness, it really depends on who wants it and who doesnt.
I can look at both sides and see what points they are trying to make.
Masterz's side doesnt want to use OS because of the mod almost being in it's final stage, and adding OS would drag the release date of the campaign to a far later date.
Jcap's side wants CMT to use it for the benefits of OS (tag limit, space, vehicles, etc) and believes it's foolish for CMT to NOT to take the offer.
I would say my opinion but I believe that it wouldnt make a good point.
Which is a piss-poor mentality and won't do him, or the team any good.
Talking directly to Masterz here. If you EVER want to succeed in this industry, you HAVE to listen to your community. Yes, there will be some sacrifices, but you do have the option to keep stuff you can't stand losing. When it comes down to it, the game is about the fans. Games like the Unreal Tournament series, or Gears of War, or pretty much any quality game got to where they were by listening to fan feedback, implementing changes even if it hurt them, and overall delivering a more polished experience for the fans.
Now, since I keep saying "This is for the fans," I do have to limit this, by saying that catering to the pirates of the game is also a piss-poor idea, and only casts you in a selfish light. If you're honestly measuring your mod's worth by the amount of downloads it gets, rather than the actual quality of the mod, then I think you're going the wrong way.
An example of "quality vs quantity" is a game called Beyond Good & Evil. It was a miserably underappreciated game. You rarely hear talk of it, but when it comes to the game itself, it is one of the highest caliber experiences I have ever had. Because of the amount of polish in the game, and the engrossing gameplay, I became a fan for life. Now, what you're doing is taking measly people who aren't even devoted enough fans of Halo to shell out the $10 to buy the fucking thing, you're sacrificing polish and quality for THEM.
what the fuck is this thread
I know this question is better suited for the main CMT thread, but since you are discussing UI's, and for some reason that created a chain reaction that is making me ask this question, and since I hate unanswered question, I must ask it here.
Will it actually tell me which key to press to "Keep it as it is" or "try it the other way" when I am calibrating my "Looking Stick", or will I just have to guess again (like in SPv1)?
Edit: Fuck yes, notitstuts.
Because I think that if you told us, you'd be making huge fools of yourselves.
So, that's why I am going to guess you removed the Delta UI Timo and I made. No big deal for us, really. Masters is just butthurt over this and he just thinks that he can damn-well really show us by taking it out because of my lack of support for your moronic actions.
I don't care; you're only helping me actually. Now you've only proved our case, because of your foolish action. You're sacrificing quality again just like you have been doing all along because you are out of space.
You can't forget here that Masters was the one who approached me with intentions of using it.
He is the one who requested to have it for the mod to make it better, but that seems to be the very least of your intentions now. Do you even pay attention to your own actions? If you did, you would clearly see that you just pulled something I've been on your backs about since the beginning of this thread. You are are all a joke.Quote:
Masterz1337: it alright if we get all the delta halo ui tags? for ui maps as well as the sp/mp ones?
At least now I don't need to worry about finishing the new UI before your release.
So still, what about the filesize? Why can't you go with a shared cache file to cut it down by half. I know you've been waiting on me to say this, so I'm not going to provide hosting if you don't make any effort to reduce the overall size of the mod when you can cut it down by 50% at least.
And if you laugh at that, thinking that is the worst I can do, then you need to think about the scenario. How will people download? This was a concern addressed in Pardon Our Dust, so what is your answer to it? HaloMaps? Well I hope you have fun providing one single download source for a couple hundred people of a 2 GB file. Dennis will greatly appreciate it. Too bad Halomaps also only lets one download at a time, and at speeds of maybe less than 90 kb/s while hundreds are downloading. Too bad not many sites support huge-ass downloads, or cap off bandwidth limits like 250 MB per hour, and then make you wait another 2 hours to download again.
Meanwhile, we have around 7 servers with essentially no caps that can provide mirrors and reliable downloads. We even pushed through 500 GB in half a day on one server. Looks like that won't be necessary, though.
It's funny... your intention is to aim for a larger audience so more can play, but what will they play if they can't get it? :v: