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Why is it you guys think Paulus is stupid enough to make these options available for multiplayer.
Well I'd firstly like apologise for being ignorant enough to think that no-one would pay the slightest bit of attention to the idea of H2VDevTrainer.
And also for leaving things for so long without any news...
Secondly, to clear a few things up...
- DevTrainer can work with future versions because instead of storing offsets, it stores certain hex expressions which are consistent across all versions (unless there is a major change in that part of the game engine).
- The resolution hack works well. It does not stretch the output. It also allows custom refresh rates, although at the moment it will crash if you enter an invalid (for your system) full screen resolution/refresh rate. Nearly any resolution is possible in a window (I say nearly because i haven't tried e.g. 1x1 0x0, 999999x9999999).
- I will (now) try to make sure the trainer is not used in multiplayer (although I had always planned to do this but it was not a priority and I may have forgotten near release). I have not tested it in MP actually so maybe it does crash.
- You can call it a hack if you want but please don't associate this with negativity because this is not always the case. This trainer was made because it is an interesting program to develop and also, so you can have fun.
- The code for DevTrainer is very disorganised and I find I have very little time to work on it. However, I may try to rush a BETA preview over Christmas or something (but no promises I'm afraid because I have exams to revise for and..a life..of some description :P). Uni work must always take priority.
Thank you for your continued support...its far more than I deserve (especially compared to the real "legends" who know far more about modding Halo than I ever could)
Here's a facebook account I made for my "developments":
Feel free to add me as a friend and post on my wall for general discussion, feedback, ideas, criticism, "Hurry up you lazy #$%^&" etc.
Thanks again,
Sounds awesome because the old dev trainer no longer works due to the recent updates.
I don't really care if it works on multiplayer. In fact I don't want it in multiplayer. It will turn into halo PC/CE. H2V has been good hacking wise online. Lets try to keep it that way.
Then you've never heard of aimbots, wall/shader-hacks i guess?
You said host.