I think this will end in a similar fashion to the beginning of the tv show series Doctor Who.
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I think this will end in a similar fashion to the beginning of the tv show series Doctor Who.
Time vortex! Wooooooo! *cue Tom Baker's face*
There really isn't much material available to use in speculating the story. Since this is a breakoff from what we know about the battle on Reach, we can't really apply what we know to the situation.
A bomb will go off and anyone in front of the bomb will travel in the future and anyone behind it will travel back in time.
Luckily Noble 6 was facing forward when the bomb went off.
I just can't wait until they try to match chiefs semiepic one liners using every single cast member.
They didn't really show signs of that being the case in the trailer so....ok
"Spartans never die Jorge."
Oh yeah, the trailer gave off that vibe.
Except he continued to talk after that...
It wasn't a "I need a weapon" or a "Does he always refer to me like that?" line
Bet you can't stick it.
You're on.
A little interview thingie-ma-bob. Just gives a few little facts, such as the return of split screen/4-player co-op.