Probably not. I'm not.
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Probably not. I'm not.
I hope not. Doesn't sound to healthy.
Seeing that it is in May. More than 3 months away.
Eh, only a little over 2 months, hth ;x
I'm ready for the beta.
I don't see where Bungie modeling this game off Halo 1 would be a bad thing. In fact, it almost seems like they're set on adding some skill back into the Halo series multiplayer, as opposed to Halo 2 and 3's over reliance on auto aim and ridiculous melee lunge.
I don't see how basing the game more on Halo 1 is a bad thing, considering the fact that Halo 2 and 3 played nearly identical to each other, except with Halo 3 where everyone spawned with that HORRIBLE "omg spray & melee" Assault Rifle. ODST was a step in the right direction, building upon Halo 1's style of gameplay (healthpacks, effective long-range weapons, etc). Reach seems to be going more into that direction from what I can see in the vidoc with the DMR and scoping Pistol.
According to the latest update, the pistol's fucking awesome right now.
It should be no secret at this point that I’m what you might call an ass. As soon as I got the Magnum in my hot little hands on Wednesday night, I was grinning ear to ear and making sure anyone within hearing range knew that I was cranking out headshots with what I felt was absurd efficiency. (Didn’t seem to instill much fear in Bob as he crouched over my lifeless corpse and offered up his own analysis of my elite skills.
“Yeah, headshot that, dumbass.”
While it’s not quite the double damage, TSK machine from the Evolved era Sage spoke out about in our most recent podcast, the Reach Magnum was far and away my favorite weapon in the latest takehome build. At one point, I must have said, “My God, the pistol is soooooo good!” just a little too loudly, because Luke piped up to admonish me for calling attention to it.
“Shut up, dude. They’ll hear you!”
I don’t know who “they” are, but Luke seemed to think that the Magnum in its current state wouldn’t be sticking around for too much longer. In fact, I heard him recount this very same tale to some unlucky passerby again this morning.
“If I like a weapon too much, it gets changed.”
So, yesterday morning I crept up on Sage’s right-hand man, Josh Hamrick, and praised him for all the fine work they were doing with the weapon set. “It all felt perfect,” I said. “Tuned up just right.”
Slurp, slurp.
Then I inquired *gulp* as to the status of the Magnum and the forecast for its short and long term future. Josh assured me it was pretty much locked in. Now, all the weapons will likely undergo some small tweaks through Alpha, Beta, and public release cycle of course, but Josh seemed confident that the pistol will ship as the effective sidearm it was when I wielded it this past Wednesday night. Sage echoed the very same sentiment to me earlier this morning.
And Luke definitely wasn’t taking his own advice, anyway. While I was busy not shutting up about the Magnum all throughout the evening’s festivities, Luke’s own DMR-fueled taunts quickly devolved into moans and groans of pleasure that would have made an entire tribe of scantily clad Na’vi warriors blush in brilliant aquamarine embarrassment. He and his trusty rifle were definitely working together in some kind of disturbing tsahaylu tandem. I see you, Luke Smith. I see you.
Unless you actually use the idea, the spoils of recognition are going to go to whoever implements it first. Otherwise you're akin to an old man in a nursing home complaining about how he thought up Google before anyone else, but didn't have the time to follow through on it. So yeah, Halo's still being COD-ified. Neat article, though.
I liked the sprite work. It was hilarious.