Pyong, I guess. But what I took away from his post was that he hopes it wasn't just a matter of time before Reach looked like MW2 with camo weapons, not shitty mods.
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Pyong, I guess. But what I took away from his post was that he hopes it wasn't just a matter of time before Reach looked like MW2 with camo weapons, not shitty mods.
See, the post was fucking ambiguous. Without explanation people are just going to assume what you're trying to say or imply. This can go in so many directions so there is no "obviously" except for yourself.
Now drop the crap about modding or if a devkit is a toaster box or not and go back to talking about Reach.
Even I have to admit that this is crazy impressive :/
Atleast, graphics and animation wise it is.
It also looks A LOT faster paced.
Pistol with scope :D
Very impressive looks a lot better in motion than the screenshots. Invasion and headhunter looks interesting. Wonder what they mean by "active roster"?
Saw a few of the "perks" in there with a few new ones:
-cloaking (symbol's triangle with an eye in the centre)
-sprinting (diamond with a lighting bolt centred)
- some kind of ant-splatter thing (at 00:26 a ghost rams into a player and a shield pops up that sends the ghost flying over) (shield with a padlock symbol)
- rolling/dodging (could be a perk or available to all?)
- jetpack (jetpack silhouette with aero emblem)
- One more symbol seen - the eye from the cloaking symbol not bordered, could be an anti-cloak scope or similar device...
First to say that looks awful
im gonna say i like the idea of a one time use anti-splatter perk
my main gripe was in halo 3 the warthog's chaingun was more like a rifle,even at long distances, the cone of fire was way too tight
I hope for REACH they go back to a halo 2 cone of fire for the hog's chain gun
So I've made a list of things I saw:
A little blip next to your radar tells you where you are in the map (Atrium, C.I.C, C.I.C Hallway, In the air)
Rolling/Somersaulting of some kind
Several Assassination animations
Weapon Loadouts
Headhunter Game mode - I'm guessing you shoot them in the head and collect their skulls, and then when they shoot you you lose all your skulls.
Invasion - Not too sure what this is
Spartans vs Elites SHIT YES SON.
N00b T00b
New Heavy Covenant rifle (not the needle rifle)
Return of Sheila (the tank), Warthogs, and purple ships (ghosts), Also, I think I saw a mongoose
Generator gametype (See Generator Destroyed while using the rocket launcher)
Looks like they have very low AA or had to drop it
Looks smoother than 30fps, so hopefully it's not locked to 30 anymore
Oh God, why jetpacks...