The main reason I came up with an idea to update OS a bit was because of CMT's posts regarding the memory issues. I believe in moving forward, and the whole version spread, to me, is quite ridiculous. IMO, if you haven't upgraded to 1.08 its because you're still using 1.07 for Battery or because you're a pirate. Arrrrr, shiver me code. I saw it as a chance to possibly bring more people to the same page and have more users browsing the 1.08 server list. It would have been a mutual relationship, not a parasitic. They get to bring back what they originally cut out, I (or we, for those that care) get to see more users come to 1.08, plus future mod teams don't have to worry so much with constraints, they can work in a more next-gen environment (in terms of memory of course).
When I first posted about upgrading OS I was only aware of the tag memory, tag instance and cache size constants issues. Script data and unit limits came later when Master's read off his "ransom list" for OS and SPv2. If I'm going to expand the engine's powers, I'm going to do so in a way that doesn't break compatibility with official game data nor cause instability during play (not on purpose anyway).
I felt this mod's need for assistance was a proper reason for me to dust off OS a bit and get OS a little publicity. Before there really wasn't much motivation or reason to continue with doing anything OS related as there was no hook, line and sinker effect. Nor was there any real need for it's capabilities, which is up to the end user to exploit and implement from.
Thats right: its up to you if you want any shader bullshit upgrades. Engineering just doesn't magically happen from setting some magical value to some magical constant\expression. I didn't figure out how to do MTV by compiling code which read "make halo1 be more like halo2". Go star on MTV if you want your money for nothing and checks for free.
So to answer the question if I'll still release the update to OS even if Masters retracts the request for OS: eventually I'm sure. However if my main motivator falls out I have to rebalance my priorities again and OS really just doesn't factor in with what I've been working on these past 5\6 months, which has its own milestones and deadline.
May 10th, 2009, 06:16 PM
Re: Pardon Our Ignorance.
Originally Posted by jcap
You are are all a joke.
May 10th, 2009, 06:59 PM
Re: Pardon Our Ignorance.
Originally Posted by jcap
I don't care; you're only helping me actually. Now you've only proved our case, because of your foolish action. You're sacrificing quality again just like you have been doing all along because you are out of space.
I honestly never even noticed that we were using a special UI, so for me it's a matter of removing bloat, not quality, no offense.
Originally Posted by sdavis117
Will it actually tell me which key to press to "Keep it as it is" or "try it the other way" when I am calibrating my "Looking Stick", or will I just have to guess again (like in SPv1)?
Edit: Fuck yes, no tits tuts.
All the string issues from Spv1 are fixed, so that issue won't arise in any form.
Originally Posted by jcap
So still, what about the filesize? Why can't you go with a shared cache file to cut it down by half. I know you've been waiting on me to say this, so I'm not going to provide hosting if you don't make any effort to reduce the overall size of the mod when you can cut it down by 50% at least.
How do shared caches work, anyway? Would we be able to provide our own cache maps, or would we need to overwrite and such?
Originally Posted by jcap
You are are all a joke.
Why do you have to make it so personal? :(
Originally Posted by Kornman00
When I first posted about upgrading OS I was only aware of the tag memory, tag instance and cache size constants issues. Script data and unit limits came later when Master's read off his "ransom list" for OS and SPv2. If I'm going to expand the engine's powers, I'm going to do so in a way that doesn't break compatibility with official game data nor cause instability during play (not on purpose anyway).
I apologize if the list came off seeming like a ransom note. If you're willing and able to do some of those extra things, then great, if not, then the original deal is fine. Please don't feel pressured to do those extra requests.
May 10th, 2009, 07:03 PM
Re: Pardon Our Ignorance.
You know what pisses me off the most CMT guys? The way you are fucking kornman over. Your messing him around saying "yeah we will use it" then suddenly changing your mind.
Like kornman said updating it isnt an easy task, he has spent along time researching it your basically spitting in his face when you play him around.
Your willing to fuck him over, yet I bet at least one CMT member is using his updated HEK.
May 10th, 2009, 07:13 PM
Re: Pardon Our Ignorance.
just..use the new OS. or something. whatever. just get this thing out at some point and have it as totally absolutely awesome as possible, i dont care how you do it. everyone else needs to stop bitching and picking sides and shit.
EDIT: lol misinformation
also screw 1.04.
May 10th, 2009, 07:18 PM
Re: Pardon Our Ignorance.
Originally Posted by Arteen
I honestly never even noticed that we were using a special UI, so for me it's a matter of removing bloat, not quality, no offense.
You still ignored the rest of it.
You ignored the argument says you wouldn't have to remove anything, and you also ignored the size issue over the past maybe 6 times it was brought up.
Bloat? Oh, because it was bloat when you guys wanted it in the first place?
Actually, what's most funny here is this:
Masterz1337: I was wondering if we could use it, since sp has no bitmap restrictions
Oh well. Your loss. Slowly chipping away at yourselves...
May 10th, 2009, 07:32 PM
Choking Victim
Re: Pardon Our Ignorance.
Masterz1337: I was wondering if we could use it, since sp has no bitmap restrictions
It's not a matter of restrictions, it's a matter of filesize. A zteam map without a shared and was 112MB, with the shared maps, that size was cut down to 28MB. That's a 75% decrease in size at the least. When SPV1 was released, wasn't file transfer a big issue? Correct me if i'm wrong, but didn't you have to pay for some of the bandwidth lost from one of your mirrored sites? (really I don't remember.)
May 10th, 2009, 07:35 PM
Re: Pardon Our Ignorance.
Originally Posted by jcap
You ignored the argument says you wouldn't have to remove anything,
I don't find it to be too much of an issue, personally. We're already stuffing more stuff into each map than we really need. I think the issues bothering you more than me, anyhow.
Originally Posted by jcap
you also ignored the size issue over the past maybe 6 times it was brought up.
I just asked for clarification on the size issue. How does that count as ignoring it?
Originally Posted by jcap
Bloat? Oh, because it was bloat when you guys wanted it in the first place?
It's just a UI. It really isn't a big deal to me. If we can get the gameplay content we want into the mod, then I really don't think we need to complicate the issue with OS when we can just streamline the UI.
Originally Posted by jcap
Oh well. Your loss. Slowly chipping away at yourselves...
Yes, our loss. Not yours, so why do you care so much?
May 10th, 2009, 07:42 PM
Re: Pardon Our Ignorance.
Because you're like a suicidal person.
"Oh well, I guess they'll kill themselves. No use in talking them out of shooting their heads off because it's their loss."
And sorry for not seeing that question.
You can overwrite bitmaps and sounds, but by doing that, you'd make many unhappy because no other people (zteam) would be able to use them. You are best off making your own with OS.
May 10th, 2009, 07:44 PM
il Duce Primo
Re: Pardon Our Ignorance.
What a great comparison. Comparing us to someone who is shooting their head off.