and how much porn I can collect.
If I'm not furiously ejaculating while out BRing a level 50 and slapping it in my montage my life is empty and dull.
Who needs real life accomplishments anyway
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and how much porn I can collect.
If I'm not furiously ejaculating while out BRing a level 50 and slapping it in my montage my life is empty and dull.
Who needs real life accomplishments anyway
I'm still confused over exactly why people are so pissed at reticle bloom; to me, reticle bloom is a cosmetic feature that gives an indication of how accurate my next shot is, but I'm reading it as the whole accuracy system which has been in place since Halo 1.
It only pisses people off in terms of the DMR. That's the funny thing. Everyone else is okay with it for almost everything else (except maybe the pistol and NR). Apparently people get butthurt over their weapons not all being pin-point (and I'm talking the Error is 0 and the Projectile Error is 0 by 0). And people wonder why I prefer an AR or Pistol over the DMR.
this ^ basically. somebody said that doesnt happen in halo 1? because it does. look at the assault rifle with fully auto vs pacing your shots in small bursts. i cant say the same for halo 2 or 3, but i feel like i remember shots becoming less accurate with the plasma rifle in halo 2. i think there was a SMALL error cone for sustained fire in halo 3, but it was hardly noticeable. somebody made an auto fire controller and used it with the AR, and apparently it was more accurate, but not by much.
the counter argument iv been hearing is that on the DMR it leads to lucky spam headshots due to the randomness of the shot if you dont let the bloom settle. as far as i know, thats the complaint. its never happened to me, either by me or no me, so i cant really judge. i feel like if you just pace your shots from the getgo in a shootout, you can land your 4 shots before the other guy can spam and get a lucky headshot. the delay is what? 3/10 of a second? the way iv been playing, you should be able to get 4 accurate shots off while they get off 5 or 6 of them, with the last 4 being pretty inaccurate due to bloom.
i will say that i would enjoy this game a lot less if it became halo 3 style fire-as-fast-as-you-can-with-no-accuracy-error. that attracts the pro wannabes, and that ruins the game experience every time for me. it seems like if randomness is the issue, then the shotgun should be a huge complaint, because sometimes it kills at a certain distance, and sometimes it misses completely at that same distance or just a little bit further. the shotgun doesnt have bloom, btw.
I miss seeing the Bloom on the shotgun.
It was one of the most appropriate weapons to have Bloom on because you could see when your shot was aligned again for another shot.
Halo 1 had error acceleration, but it was primarily confined to the full auto weapons. The pistol and sniper rifle shot true, but they could only be fired at a prescribed rate, so if somebody shoots first, he's automatically ahead of the damage curve for the rest of the exchange. They didn't like that, so with Reach they allow you to fire headshot weapons at faster rates, with the trade-off being error acceleration that was not really a factor for those types of weapons in previous Halo games. You simply weren't allowed to shoot them fast enough for it to matter.
Basically they made it less 'point-and-click' and thus requires more skill. Skill about how to use a fucking tool. Just as you wouldn't rush into an actual fucking field with full-auto selected on an M4 (forget if it only has burst or FA) or whatever trying to shoot a dipshit extremist. The same thing that happens in HPC where you have to know how to adjust for lag.
Of course, I can hear someone moaning about hit-scan. They can build themselves a bridge over the river they're crying. It's a game. Network latency happens. Here's an application for the Marines if you want real-life.
If I understand the argument, it's not really about skill, it's about luck being introduced into the equation. Someone can be perfectly disciplined in their use of a DMR and lose to some yahoo who is rapidly squeezing off shots and blooming his reticle to encompass the entire screen. At that point, it becomes a dice roll whether or not those shots land. If they DO land, then the guy using "skill" feels screwed and the guy spamming shots thinks he's playing the game correctly, tries the same thing again and gets pissed off that it doesn't always work. Ultimately, nobody is happy.
People intuitively understand that full auto weapons have accuracy penalties for laying on the trigger. Always have, always will. The debate centers around the precision weapons.
I don't have strong feelings one way or the other, I just think it's an interesting discussion.
In short people think precision weapons and think they'll be precise each and every shot then then rage because they're not.