Game looks awesome.
@Hunter and Jcap - Make the jetpack susceptible to EMP from overcharged plasma burst.
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Game looks awesome.
@Hunter and Jcap - Make the jetpack susceptible to EMP from overcharged plasma burst.
If it was only able to be used for several seconds at a time it wouldn't be so bad. That, and it was either one use or had a large cooldown.
Oh shit son. I hope is better then how odst was, damn.
The walking forward animations for the spartan seem to annoy me abit.
Spartans vs. Elites, time for some fun with my friends.
Looks great, not a massive fan of the jet packs but we'll see how the gameplay actually is in beta.
I do like the reticule tile change thing with accuracy, but bloody hell don't make it a sniper reticule and then change it to a damn shotgun's one, it looked really ugly and bizzare.
they did a terrible job remaking the halo 1 style grenade throw, need to redo them
I think the snipe rifle reticle goes big after its been fired to show the player that if he fires again then the bullet would be inaccurate and land somewhere within the range which it expands to. Seems like a good idea to me, I like it.
And I think the Jetpack is only availible for a certain amount of time then it has to recharge, much like the sprint does. Hopfully you can roll about with no limit and you have the ability to do that by default, much like Gears of War. I wouldn't mind seeing a feature which lets you crouch behind objects and peep around corners (Stick to walls/objects) like Gears of War. Would be interesting.
Just for Heaven ;P
It would only explode if it took extensive damage. Taking normal damage, a thruster would just crap out and the person would lose control of where he is flying. It would only explode from a stick or rocket shot, which you would be dead from anyway. It could also possibly explode from taking extra damage after the player is dead.
Either way, they will still use it. The only thing that will change is how desperate they are to use it (so they use it when absolutely necessary, and there's no abusing it).
I dont like the destructible idea Jcap, though I see where you are coming from. I think simply giving it a cooldown is enough.
You also have to remember that when a person is using the jetpack he's an easy target all around.
Seriously, everybody is going to turn and shoot at the guy levitating above the fray. What an easy target. Just shoot and kill him. No need to get cute.