Re: The Upcoming: Halo Reach
plus I think maneuverability will be largely hampered.
Re: The Upcoming: Halo Reach
It's kind of funny. If they introduced an armor ability that did nothing but inflate your head 10 times its normal size, you'd probably see people saying, "I'm a little wary of this, but as long as I get your home address and am allowed to rape your mother as a deterrent for using it, I won't complain TOO much. Well, I won't actively send envelopes filled with anthrax to Bungie's offices, anyway."
Re: The Upcoming: Halo Reach
Re: The Upcoming: Halo Reach
Originally Posted by
Seriously, everybody is going to turn and shoot at the guy levitating above the fray. What an easy target. Just shoot and kill him. No need to get cute.
The jetpack is only advantageous for moving around the map. I'm sure there's a disadvantage as well as far as losing slots or perks goes.
Re: The Upcoming: Halo Reach
Jetpacks with swords as a new special gametype? I think so.
Re: The Upcoming: Halo Reach
That's what I think. Everyone I've talked to on has said "jetpacks suck everyones gonna use them" people don't realize for what little maneuverability that gives you, it makes you a giant target for people to shoot at.
Re: The Upcoming: Halo Reach
Holy shit. This is the best reaction to Reach in the dev blogs. Ever.
Originally Posted by Maximum775
GOD GRRR!!! There were a ton of things that completely pissed me off about that video. The shields look. like. s-h-!-t. They're they exact same as before, except now they just used like four 2d animations of a fancy "shieldish" oval spreading out and disappearing from the spartan's body. THEY DON'T EVEN LOOK LIKE SHIELDS coming off the bodies of the soldiers anymore! they look like weird ovular vortex things being emitted from the suit!!!! second, as you'll notice at 0:44 in the vid, THE BLAMMING EXPLOSION IS BLAMMING SMALLER THAN THE BLAMMING VEHICLE ITS BLAMMING COMING FROM!!!! I thought they got the message when people complained about the grenades in Halo 3 looking like firecrackers, but apparently not! Seriously guys! If you need a reason to make them bigger, I'll gladly give it to you: ask yourself: Do I want the vehicles to look as if they disappear prior to its explosion? "huh...i guess ur rite huh?" ITS SOO EASY TO FIX!!! PLEEEAAASEE FIIIX IT!!!!! JUST TAKE YOUR LITTLE SCALE TOOL, CLICK, DRAG, BOOP! ALL BETTER! BIGGER EXPLOSION! so your vehicles don't look like they just disappear. its almost as if the explosion is saying "what? no vehicle just disappeared here...what are you talking about?" the player: "ooo...pretty liiights, okay maybe it didn't just DISAPPEAR BEFORE MY BLAMMING EYES."
*sigh* sorry bungie, i do love you guys. i was just so psyched for the trailer and i was let down. i'm not trying to be blammy (spelled with a c at the beginning and an ock before the -y), i just really don't want to be disappointed when this godly game is unleashed due to some minor problem that's easily fixable. thanks guys.
The scale tool reference was amazing.
Re: The Upcoming: Halo Reach
Looks like the jetpack has a recharge between uses. It's also an armor ability, so if you use jetpack, no sprinting/active camo/anti-splatter/whatever else. It doesn't look like a very long recharge, however, so perhaps it can be disabled?
Re: The Upcoming: Halo Reach
Re: The Upcoming: Halo Reach