[22:45] Ganon:
[22:47] <This user stopped playing Left 4 Dead 2>
[22:47] Orbot: boring
[22:48] Ganon: lol
[22:48] Orbot: Why do I want to see a sleeping girl's tits, ass and vagina?
[22:48] Ganon: What, you dont?
[22:49] Orbot: Maybe if there's a plot
[22:49] Orbot: Sure
[22:50] Ganon: there is a huge plot to this video
[22:50] Ganon: its obviously too deep 4 u
[22:50] Orbot: Girl sleeps
[22:50] Orbot: LOOK AT HER TITS
[22:50] Orbot: So deeeeeeeeeep
[22:51] Orbot: What is this bullshit called?
[22:51] Ganon: umad
[22:51] Orbot: So I can know to stay away from it
[22:51] Ganon: Sleeping with hinako
[22:51] Ganon: lmao
[22:51] Ganon: there is a sequel to this
[22:51] Ganon: training with hinako
[22:52] Orbot: People wasted time making this
[22:52] Orbot: Goddamn
[22:52] Orbot: I thought I was pathetic
[22:52] Orbot: I'M WAITING FOR A PLOT
[22:53] Orbot: BITCH SLEEPS
[22:53] Orbot: DOES NOT EQUAL A PLOT
[22:53] Orbot: I got a plot for you bitch
[22:53] Orbot: Bend over
[22:53] Orbot: Because once the plot happens she'll start crying like every other Japanese woman
[22:53] Ganon: thats not plot
[22:53] Ganon: thats sexual harrassment
[22:54] Orbot: VAGINA
[22:54] Orbot: ASS
[22:54] Orbot: TITS
[22:54] Orbot: OH BOY WHAT A MOVIE
[22:54] Ganon: 5 more minutes
[22:54] Ganon: she needs it
[22:55] Ganon: no u
[22:55] Orbot: Her tits are too large anyway
[22:55] Orbot: Fuck this shit
[22:55] Orbot: She's not real
[22:56] Orbot: You'll never titfuck her
[22:56] Orbot: Billy wannabe
[22:56] Orbot: lol
[22:56] Orbot: Always
[22:56] Ganon: whats for breakfast
[22:57] Orbot: Why don't you go talk to those Asian girls?
[22:57] Ganon: im scared
[22:57] Ganon: can u understand anything this psycho bitch is saying to me
[22:57] Orbot: You could use a girlfriend
[22:57] Ganon: r u kiddin me
[22:57] Ganon: talk 2 girls
[22:57] Ganon: me
[22:57] Ganon: lol
[22:57] Ganon: im 2 gud for girls
[22:57] Ganon: sorry
[22:57] Orbot: She's probably talking about bullshit that isn't important
[22:58] Orbot: Didn't you have a girlfriend before?
[22:58] Ganon: yeah
[22:58] Ganon: in the summer when i bothered to do things
[22:58] Orbot: Go find a weeaboo girlfriend who will accept you
[22:58] Orbot: Do it
[22:58] Ganon: all ugs
[22:59] Orbot: Not all of them
[22:59] Orbot: Many of them are cute
[22:59] Ganon: plus i have CC
[22:59] Orbot: But highly annoying
[22:59] Orbot: I weigh less than this bitch
[22:59] Orbot: She's fat
[22:59] Ganon: rook thinks i was masturbating before
[23:00] Ganon: how much u weigh
[23:00] Orbot: 108
[23:00] Ganon: fatty
[23:00] Ganon: how tall
[23:00] Orbot: 5'5
[23:00] Ganon: you are borderline malnourished
[23:00] Orbot: You need Google to tell you that
[23:00] Ganon: 22.5 because im a tubby
[23:02] Ganon: wild konata appears
[23:02] Ganon: which apparently wont show up using livestream
[23:02] Orbot: HA HA
[23:02] Ganon: you diggin these plot twists
[23:03] Orbot: tits and clocks
[23:03] Orbot: No
[23:05] Ganon: suddenly its nightime
[23:05] Ganon: again
[23:05] Orbot: I refuse to watch any more of this
[23:05] Orbot: Goddamn