remember the assassination is supposedly going to work if the enemy DOESN'T notice you...
in other news:
has bungie declassified any new weapons from REACH?
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remember the assassination is supposedly going to work if the enemy DOESN'T notice you...
in other news:
has bungie declassified any new weapons from REACH?
A few unmentioned ones in the video. Also, any news on the mystery sound?
Mystery sound? Link? I mist that topic as usual.
According to this trailer analysis(start at 1:00), it's the sound for the homing plasma cannon.
That's a really good analysis. Man I'm super pumped for this game. It looks like it's going to be a lot of fun.
Oh wow, I didn't even notice they had official callouts for each map. This could be really useful :o
Perhaps the from the front assassination was only because the one being assassinated was already hurt? Thats the only way I could think of. Or its like being chainsawed in Gears...
Well he the guy getting own in the stomach had no weapon, :S
Also, if only Elites can jump then I am NOT going to be a happy bunny >:( They should give you the ability to be able to jump out of the way by default... like Gears of War. If they don't then I am going to slap Bungie accross the face with my cock!
And they shoudld allow Elites in normal team slayer, instead of just gametypes. They just get a dissadvantage because they a frigging HUGE! Which is cool.
Uphill, Both Ways.
To clarify, this was originally an ODST song that was remixed for this trailer.