Lol. Halo 1 bump possessing elites. So goddamned fun, and it used the "lunge forward" camera movement.
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I really don't understand why people seem to freak out so much about potential design flaws. We've got an entire beta process to make complaints and get anything the community feels needs changing changed and then there is the overwhelming fact that none of us really now anything official about the game other than its release dates (which could change as well.)
I don't think "freak out" is the right phrase. We're a speculative bunch. Beyond that, we're a critical bunch. We make speculations, and if we don't like the implications of the speculations, we point out our criticisms, and announce that we hope the final game doesn't do whatever it is we don't like.
^This...and the same can be said for the comments in the DRM threads, too.
I just want to play the beta now. We've pretty much said all we can about Reach, so until we play it we can't make further speculations and/or wishful suggestions.
Either way seems to work based on previous implementations I've seen; when you dive-rolled in the first-person VR modes in MGS2:Substance, the camera stayed pointed forward, but at Snake/Raiden's head level. Or, they could do it like Screw Attacking in Metroid Prime 2 and shift to a third-person perspective while the roll is executed.
Based on what I saw in the video, there isn't a cool down period. To me, it looks like its based around an infinitely replenishing meter that drains as you use it.
Say for example you have 100 pts of "fuel" for your equipment. Every set amount of seconds you use it, you burn a set amount of pts. Every few seconds you gain a point or so. So you wont ever have it for an infinite amount of time, but if you balance how often you use it, then you wont run out either.
So to me, it doesnt look like there are "cool downs" for the equipment. Or maybe im just blind.
I would assume that equipment would work similarly to the Arbiter's cloak in Halo 2.
Well at least now you won't have people timing the respawn of power-up orbs. Though I winder if they'll still have those "custom" power-up orbs, or maybe custom armor abilities (would work with a loadout)?