Welcome to the Modacity Otaku Anime and Manga thread!
I have nothing else to say.
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Welcome to the Modacity Otaku Anime and Manga thread!
I have nothing else to say.
Last one was...
Prince of Tennis (manga and anime only) just to catch up.
It's pretty fruity.
Oh that's it.
I'm a big Death note fan, my friends are tying to get me into D.Grey-man and some other stuff.
I was at a Anime/Manga convention on Friday (ReCon) and it was good, i cosplayed as "夜神 月, Yagami Raito" aka "Light Yagami".
The first picture after the titles is moi standing ontop of 'L' with my Death Note. [0:16 time]
I've only ever read/watched Eyeshield 21 and Trigun. Both awesome, in my opinion.
I've been getting more into anime recently. (although I've never hated it) Most recently watched:
Tenchi Muyo OVA's (Favorite anime ever. Although I hate tenchi Universe and all the other spinoff crap except for the movies)
Inuyasha (borderline kids crap, sometimes I like it, sometimes I hate it)
Not fucking naruto.
Death note (repetitive, but meh...)
Samurai Champloo (I hate subs, but series is good)
Jin-roh. (A movie, the best animated movie I've ever seen. It's extremely dark, unpredictable, has no crazy eyes or hair, and is generally amazing)
All you anime haters can go fuck a goat.
I've seen Evangelion and FLCL to their completion, but not much else. Too many narutards around to actually discuss anime in my school :/
I used to hate anime with the wild steriotype many people had, then i started watching deathnote, blood+ Code Geass and Bleach
I myself do watch Naruto, but I must say I like the various theme songs more than the show itself (great Japanese pop rock). I watch the Viz dubs of Inuyasha on [as] every Saturday, as well as Bleach, but I never really care enough to watch Death Note and due to my use of prescription methylphenidate I usually am out cold half way through anyway.
I haven't really been into anime lately, but I have seen a few episodes of some shows here and there, and they aren't that bad. The main reason I don't really watch anime is because I don't really watch TV that much in general.
I love watching Rurouni Kenshin reruns.
Currently im watching the reruns of Inuyasha, watching Deathnote, Bleach, and Code Geass.
Avatar: The Last Air Bender :p
Samurai Jack was pretty good...
YES. Good ol' cartoon network.
That show actually gets pretty interesting once it gets a few episodes in. I was put off by the "Nickelodeon-ness" of the first few episodes, but my (older) sister convinced me to get it a chance, and I started to enjoy it.
I mean...
lol nikcleodean sux
I haven't watched much recently, except for Code Geass and Death Note (both subtitled). I did watch FLCL to completion too, but I don't understand why people like it. It's awful.
As for favorites, here's what comes to mind:
Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya
Ghost In The Shell: Stand Alone Complex
Irresponsible Captain Tylor
Death Note
Other enjoyable ones that come to mind:
G Gundam
Gundam: 8th MS Team
Cowboy Bebop
Trigun (good, although only had the chance to watch a dozen or so)
Kenshin (same)
I liked Yu-Gi-Oh! up until after Yugi beat Pegasus. After that it was basically just recycling the story with new cards.
Love Hina was pretty good, but I vomited after I heard the English voice dubs.
That's all that needs to be said.
....I deeply dislike anime and anime culture in general, but I'm a total mechahead. Other recent shows for me are Gundam 00 (pretty great), Macross Frontier (not terrible), and Code G(ay)ass (dumb fun, but goddamn those noodle people and the school hijinks need to stop). Just saw Gunbuster and Diebuster recently, working on Legend of the Galactic Heroes now.
Other good shows:
Dai-Guard (just for fun)
Cowboy Bebop
Gundam 0080 (amazing)
Gundam 08th MS Team
Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya
Macross Plus (best aerial dogfighting ever)
Tengen Toppa Gurren-Lagann (the initial quote, and yes it is awesome)
MEGAS XLR (fuck yeah america)
Digimon, anyone?
(Insert most popular anime's here)
Also, Cowboy Bebop, Fullmetal Alchemist and a lot of other stuff I don't feel like thinking of.
A friend of mine is really into Elfen Lied. That anime is rather, er... explicit. Most violence/gore combined with nudity and really negative stuff like rape. Yeah... the story is good though. I feel like all of the extremely popular animes start to milk the cow after a while and end up ok, but turn out to be not anything special.
Also, anime crack is fun...,3...no_stigma.html
I merely like Ghost in the Shell and some of the Animatrix stuff and pretty much despise every other animu since to me, they are all the same, well, safe for some minor color corrections to the various hairstyles.
Btw I've recently watched some ridicoulous japanese movie called "Death Note" and it's only now that i realise that it's actually based on an anime. So while i thought this was the worst possible way of ruining a promising premise [some guy is able to kill literally anyone but instead of turning the world around by taking out the big shots he prefers to kill off some minor criminals], watching it knowing that it's a live action anime adaption explains alot.
I was brought into anime with DBZ. It was good until it got into namek and fights wound up being as long as entire previous seasons. I stopped caring about it after that. Gundam Wing caught my eye after that and held my heart until I found the original Gundam series. There, I realized Gundam Wing sucked as I started watching the rest of the Universal Century shows. Zeta especially is good stuff. It's really surprised me that Zeta hasn't been licensed for air time in the US. Seed started out as a good remake but turned out to be crap. Destiny started off amazing, but turned to utter suck before the first opening sequence change. Haven't watched any of the new series since then and probably wont until they make a full series length UC show.
Since then, I've picked up Ghost in the Shell seasons 1 and 2 as well as the TV cannon movie. I love that universe. I've watched the two movies that aren't in cannon with the TV show and they're pretty good as well.
Full Metal Alchemist was pretty entertaining. Probably one of the better casual shows with its great balance between its unique universe, character development, pacing, and plot development. The movie does a nice job at continuing the story while leaving it just as open ended as when the TV show left off.
Deathnote is interesting, but it's the same damn thing every episode. If you watch the first five or six, you've seen the entire series; essentially.
Code Geass is what I'm watching right now. A surprisingly good amount of fan service actually got me into it long enough for me to take a closer look at what was going on :p. In most animes, you typically have Japan as either non-existant, modern, or superpower. The fact that Japan is under occupation hooked me. It definitely uses super-characters that just pwn cannon fodder on a level that would bankrupt any post-WWII economy, but there's plenty that makes up for it. The season 1 finale was pretty good. I didn't know about season 2 at the time, so I was expecting it to literally end right there. I was mad at such an amazing finale. Season 2 hasn't been soo good. It's been a lot of rehashing character positions and not much plot development. Hopefully it'll pick up in the next 5 or so episodes.
I've seen a ton of others, but those are the ones that stand out for me. Humorously enough, most of those have been aired in the US but I dont pay much attention to them. The voice acting typically doesn't pull in the emotional tones from the original audio and often completely substitutes lines with new dialog instead of simply translating. I.E., the english audio for Batou in GitS whenever he is being sarcastic is almost never the same as the japanes.
I think Code Geass is actually playing on Adult Swim now. I should check in to see how the voice acting is going for it.
The only anime I ever got into was Cowboy Bebop.
Damn, all these show names sound so gay. xD
Hellsing Ultimate
Ergo Proxy
Desert Punk (If I could find some more goddamn episodes!)
Ghost In The Shell
Fullmetal Alchemist
Death Note
Full Metal Panic/The Second Raid (Fuck Fumoffu, don't touch that shit)
Excel Saga (Ridiculously funny if you're in the right mindset)
There are more... I just can't remember them
The first Anime I ever watched was Naruto, since I'd heard about it on the Internet and saw it on Jetix one day. Watched a few episodes and found that it was repeating the same episode every day of the week >_>
Went to YouTube and watched the Eng Dubs up to Episode 81 and then Fansubs from then on. I watched every single episode, even the countless fillers and really boring episodes. I'm still following Naruto Shippuden, but, after watching other better shows, feel that it is just bad. I found Dattebayo's site and started watching Bleach. Every episode, again without missing fillers and boring ones, and I still follow it. I'm not sure why, because it's just not good any more.
Past that, I've watched:
Death Note, which I really enjoyed
FLCL. Oh. My. God. That was the best anime I have ever watched. I've never been so satisfied with another show.
Magical Shopping Arcade Abenobashi, which wasn't great, but was good to follow.
The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya - but I think I watched the episodes in the wrong order. Was great fun anyway.
Clannad, which was almost identical to Haruhi Suzumiya, but slightly sadder.
I'm currently watching or following:
Code Geass - It's like Death Note with robots
Azumanga Daioh - But I've not really gotten interested yet.
Gundam 08th MS - I've yet to start
Evangelion - I've yet to finish downloading.
Hayate no Gotoku! - I got the first episode to see what it was like, and enjoyed it, so I'll get the rest later.
Fullmetal Alchemist - I've heard nothing but praise for this, so I'm hoping to enjoy it
Excel Saga - Also heard praise for this.
Elfen Lied - Violence and nudes :3
Does Afro Samurai count?
Avatar occasionally, Dragonball is my all-time favorite though (DBZ and the original one, hate mostof the GT episodes).
Neon Genesis Evangelion
Code Geass
Eureka Seven
Ghost in The Shell
Trinity Blood
Mobile Suit Gundam Seed Destiny
Gundam 00
Death Note
Turn 11 of Code Geass was released yesterday; both GG and Eclipse have it available.
FLCL (obviously)
Big O
mc chris Action Battle Time
Samurai X
Samurai Champloo
Neon Genesis Evangelion
Code Geass
Eureka Seven
Ghost in The Shell
Death Note
(Liked Naruto as a manga, but when it came stateside as an anime, the Narutards ruined it for me) Watch Shippuuden tho.
Cowboy Bebop
Megas XLR
Full Metal Alchemist (htf did I forget that one)
Yuyu Hakusho
Bleach (if they'll stop with the stupid filler arc going now in both America and Japan)
Naruto (ish, but I'm waiting for January '09 when Shippuuden starts here)
Yugioh 5D's (card games on motorbikes, kinda lame yet the retardedness is gone from GX)
Vampire Knight
Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicle
D. Gray Man (manga, the anime can just go ahead and die right now)
Busou Renkin
And as for Pokemon and Digimon, first and second gen only, after that it just got really dumb and annoying.
There are a lot more, but I haven't really watched them or can't remember them right now.
Whoever said Avatar should know it's technically not anime.
I've tried watching some... the only one I liked was FLCL. (And how.)
Oh, and the Kirby anime, but that's only because it's Kirby. (Dear god the English dub butchered it D: )
Well it's 4Kids, what do you expect? These are the same people that severely ruined other anime, like Shaman King, maybe Pokemon but I haven't seen the Japanese to compare them, Yugioh, and other stuff like that.
Finally, they made a thread about who can be the most poser Japanese.
Otanawa Zugablabla Watchawatcha Boinga Boinga is all I fucking read when I looked at these posts. Why aren't they're any french or italian animes? Something that has a sexy language.
The style has been flogged to death back and forth, and after seeing the same artstyle represented in most of them, with the washed out watercolour look with jerky animation, big eyes and stupid hair it really does make me want to pull out my hair whenever I see any.
Thanks for the constructive post Dano.
Feel free to say out.
Why wait for Shippuuden?
Just Get Naruto at
(Not an ad, a referral :P)
Nice website Heath, I usually just use Veoh for anime streaming, they seem to have most animes.
I've been considering streaming/downloading subbed ones for a while now, but I feel I'm too used to the Viz dubs. Plus, any poor grammar or spelling in subtitles would drive me nuts as I'm just that kind of person. And seriously, it's not that long of a wait. At the current rate of airing, which will continue for the rest of the original series, and assuming Viz/CN do their part to get licensing ready for dubs, we could see the first season by the end of the year.
But like I said, I'm more obsessed with the theme songs than the show...
The grammar is quite good actually. Get it from a fansub place like Dattebayo, you won't be dissapointed.
I'd shit a brick :/
Thats fucking awesome.
None of the ones I've even slightly liked even have English voice... and I get bored of reading subtitles.
Evangelion, Hellsing, Last Exile, a few others here and there. Last Exile is my favorite, although Hellsing is interesting.
So I can laugh at how much Viz messes it up. And while is good for anime, they only do Naruto and Bleach, so that's pretty limited. If you want a good place to get anime, try While they mainly do Bleach, they have a crapload of other anime to download and manga to read. (you do have to register a free account to download the anime)
And this is also a referral. They don't have a lot of the classics, but they still have a large amount of anime to download.
French ones are worse... (namely Code Lyoko)
But besides that, I forgot one earlier: One Piece (no, NOT the pice of shit 4Kids did, the Funimation and original Japanese ones.) is good for me because I am on a DBZ watching spree now :P
Their pending an update. They had updated but there were bugs with the new layout so they reverted...
Finally, somewhere that has the uncut Yugioh episodes 4Kids ruined so much. Thanks for the link Heathen.
Oh, and there's also the manga Japan voted #1 of all time: Slam Dunk.
There are only a few anims I've ever been satisfied with
Full Metal Alchemist was alright
Elfen Lied was a trip to orgasmland, minus the ending
FL-CL was great
and honestly I can't think of very much else
Oh, and I loved Getbackers
AH, the Get Backers was great. I got it with netflix randomly and loved it.
I always think about Inuyasha, but I dont really like it. Its basically Dragon Ball Z for girls :/
I just downloaded Elfen Lied. HOLY SHIT. Hardcore.
Edit: 3 episodes in. This is the best anime I've ever seen.
I has list of all the animes I have watched over the years.
The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya
Rozen Maiden
Lucky Star
Rosario + Vampire
Death Note
Rurouni Kenshin
Shakugan no Shana
Code Geass
Yu Yu Hakusho
The Dragonball Series
Fullmetal Alchemist
Shin Chan
Ghost in the Shell SAC
Astro Boy
Big O
Cyborg 009
Duel Masters
G Gundam
Gundam Wing
One Piece
Outlaw Star
The Prince of Tennis
Rave Master
Samurai Champloo
Samurai Jack
Tenchi Muyo!
Zatch Bell
Genesis of Aquarion
Trinity Blood
Neon Genesis Evangelion
Eureka Seven
Cowboy Bebop
I highly doubt this is all of them.
Woot! Somebody besides me that watched tenchi muyo. Also, what made you think Reboot was an anime. >.>
Turn 12 of Code Geass is subbed by [gg] and [Chihiro]. According to gg, the episode isn't worth seeding >_>
Also, I finished Elfen Lied yesterday. Now I find uber-powered women hot :3
Great Teacher Onizuka
My future wife is going to be a ruler of the universe.
I liked the first 2 Gundam series, the rest were boring. Yuyuhakisho(sorry if I spellled it wrong) the ghost files was awsome. Rurouni Kenshin was the best. Naruto best one seen in a while. My all time favorite, Dragonball z. There are still some other anime I watched other anime but dont remember thier names tho.
I'm watching Last Exile right now. It is :awesome:
Death Note
Rurouni Kenshin
Code Geass
Yu Yu Hakusho
The Dragonball Series (up to Z)
Fullmetal Alchemist
Shin Chan
Ghost in the Shell SAC
Big O
Cyborg 009
G Gundam
Gundam Wing
ReBoot (i Know its not an anime)
Samurai Champloo
Samurai Jack
Tenchi Muyo!
Zatch Bell
Neon Genesis Evangelion
Eureka Seven
Cowboy Bebop
I bet there's more that i cant think of off hand.
Oh Ya My all time favorite SAILORMOON
Isn't there some reboot countdown on the internet?
Wasn't there suspicion that it was connected to this?
So Slayers Revolution has started, and some parts of the Internet are having nerdgasms over it. I haven't watched the rest of the Slayers series, but the latest episode was pretty funny. Tadashi subs weren't bad, but Eclipse released their version today, so I might get their version for archiving.
Anybody watch Death Note tonight?
The manga's ending was far better.
Was this a new episode? I watched the whole series through, I thought >_>
I'll be watching it in a few minutes. Had to DVR it for various reasons.
You could have guessed that from the very beginning. TV shows typically aren't that great unless they have a similar twist at the end to resolve them so the protagonist overcomes a huge boss battle or unfortunately loses. If they dont, then they're typically like some show you'd watch on the history channel.
Books are easily able to get away with it though because they're more commonly the realm of leaving us in a different world to keep us thinking about the possibilities.
For those following Code Geass, [gg] subs are out now.
Ehhhh, I was disapointed in Death notes ending last night. You could tell by the second to last episode the notebook wasnt going to work, but I think they also left alot of loose ends with this whole thing. Series was great, but the ending is the sum of the whole series, and it wasnt all too good, so overall, the english version was good..but not great.
Wow... That was definitely... interesting.
e: Oh snap, I hit 666 posts.
The second episode of Slayers: Revolution is out, and Eclipse have it subbed.
I finished Fullmetal Alchemist yesterday. The ending was hugely different to what I was expecting.
Full Metal Alchemist's anime diverged from the manga and is completely different. The manga is actually still going, I've heard it's really good.
I've just watched it, and I have to disagree;
But its NOT over as Ultima said.
Edit: Also