Modding Meelee (extending distance) - Snowcast
Hey so I'm new to modding Halo CE maps.
I'm running a Zombie server and I've found a great map (Snowcast) but it has Halo1 weapons which have terrible meelees.
So I need one of two things for it to work (preferably number 2):
1) Extend the meelee distance - but I can't find which program would do this?
2) Import Halo2/3 weapons (or just import the weapons from CMT Snow Grove) - IDK what program does this either..
Can someone do this real quick? Or can someone tell me how I can do this if nobody else wants to?
Could someone help me at all on this?
I know you probably get bugged with modding questions all the time, so I do appreciate anyone who's willing to help me out.
Re: Modding Meelee (extending distance) - Snowcast
Well I don't think it's possible to change the weapons or melees without compiling a new map. So, everyone would have to download the zombie version of the map. If I got it right you're not wanting to do that?
Re: Modding Meelee (extending distance) - Snowcast
Definitely willing to do that. Not the best option, but it'll work xD
Re: Modding Meelee (extending distance) - Snowcast
I think you can do that with some modding tools like Eschaton or one of them idk.
Re: Modding Meelee (extending distance) - Snowcast
You could use modding tools, but that would require everyone who enters the server to have that modding tool as well. It wouldn't work too well :\
Re: Modding Meelee (extending distance) - Snowcast
The most practical solution is if you create a zombies-specific map that everyone plays on.
Re: Modding Meelee (extending distance) - Snowcast
Yeah creating a whole new map (a modified version of snowcast) is fine, most of the playerbase are willing to go download the map.
Re: Modding Meelee (extending distance) - Snowcast
Originally Posted by
You could use modding tools, but that would require everyone who enters the server to have that modding tool as well. It wouldn't work too well :\
not so sure about CE but in PC that's definitely not the case unless your doing huge bsp switches or importing lots of stuff. basic changes like weapon damage/range/speed can just be on the server.
aar, i'm not crazy about using mod tools but for something as minute as this change isn't going to get downloads so it's a better option than compiling a new map.
E: oh shit op is different now. k cool.
Re: Modding Meelee (extending distance) - Snowcast
Originally Posted by
2) Import Halo2/3 weapons (or just import the weapons from CMT Snow Grove) - IDK what program does this either..
Someone is gonna have a day with you...
Re: Modding Meelee (extending distance) - Snowcast
Originally Posted by
Someone is gonna have a day with you...
Too bad they're banned lol :P :iamafag:
Re: Modding Meelee (extending distance) - Snowcast
Originally Posted by
Too bad they're banned lol :P :iamafag:
yo sup
anyhow aaaaaaa why would you even want our old work from then
Re: Modding Meelee (extending distance) - Snowcast
because snow grove was, as i understand, a good map for zombies. they want the tagset from that map to attempt to recreate that experience on a new map.
Re: Modding Meelee (extending distance) - Snowcast
Originally Posted by
Yeah creating a whole new map (a modified version of snowcast) is fine, most of the playerbase are willing to go download the map.
Chris (High Tide) is actually working on a zombie specific map right now with a couple other mappers.
Re: Modding Meelee (extending distance) - Snowcast
Originally Posted by
because snow grove was, as i understand, a good map for zombies. they want the tagset from that map to attempt to recreate that experience on a new map.
It was pretty good until the admin left and everyone (me) starting being a douche.
Re: Modding Meelee (extending distance) - Snowcast
Originally Posted by
teh lag
yo sup
anyhow aaaaaaa why would you even want our old work from then
Never been a fan of Zombies, always thought it played horrible :X
Re: Modding Meelee (extending distance) - Snowcast does that mean it's not going to happen?
If the CMT weapon tags can't be transferred can someone at least put some decent halo 2 or halo 3 weapons on snowcast?
Re: Modding Meelee (extending distance) - Snowcast
Every time I tried playing in your zombie server I was met with douche baggery, stupidity and out right un-fun gameplay.
I love Snowcast, I played it a lot with the Realworld CE players. Don't taint it with that horrid zombie gametype.
Re: Modding Meelee (extending distance) - Snowcast
Originally Posted by
Every time I tried playing in your zombie server I was met with douche baggery, stupidity and out right un-fun gameplay.
..How so?