if you are viewing this in 2024 we are probably still hosting and playing this
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RemindMe! 7 years "are they still gaylo"
Good shit
Hello I like the Halo Video Game
Gonna be a real hootenanny
Hello I came here for the classics.
gamenight tonight 8pm eastern
wow this website still exists look at that
are you using nolead?
e: 5 minutes between post cooldown on modacity in 2017 really?
clock town 5v5 bring your worst
heck yeah
bump on only active modacity thread
gamenight tomorrow (saturday) 8pm eastern standard (time)
how many halo discords?
it is
gamenight tomorrow (saturday) 8pm eastern standard time
gamenight tonight 8pm eastern standard
dont be scared
tell jcap to play the halos
looking forward to the next one with tested game types :^)
I'll run the next gamenight, we will play both those maps
gamenight saturday, meet up at 8pm eastern standard
gamenight saturday, meet up at 8pm eastern standard
gamenight saturday, meet up at 8pm eastern standard
gamenight saturday, meet up at 8pm eastern standard
pls cum or innergoat doesnt get his cummies
damn i keep missing these
Is this ded?
Next game session is scheduled for 26th August - same time I believe.
fully sick brah
we only had 6-7 people last night. WTB full server
I'd probably still play this if I knew where my cd key went.
Been busy getting a new job. I'm a full fledged city worker now. Your taxes pay my bills. (if you live in LA)
I'll see if I can make it to the next gamenight
Gamenite wen