Eh, I was triyng to decide if I should show this now, or wait until more is done, but someone convinced me to show it now. Basically, its a human map set inside a hangar, with some rooms off to the side, blah blah blah. I'm trying to keep gameplay in mind while making this, so I need some suggestions. (I didn't make that space ship thats in there)
Perhaps fill in the gaps where walls are, at which point I will be able to make out your layout, aswell as these things we call "detail".
June 19th, 2007, 02:35 AM
Re: WIP - Some random human map
how about less mesh edits of low poly h1 campain stuff?
June 19th, 2007, 03:17 AM
Re: WIP - Some random human map
weird reminds me of cario station for some reason?
June 19th, 2007, 08:51 AM
Re: WIP - Some random human map
Looks cool. Hopefully it is just stays that size and doesn't expand into a coldsnap varient.:eek:
June 19th, 2007, 11:09 AM
Re: WIP - Some random human map
lol, that does resemble a csnap/hugeass hangar.
put some stuff in the middle of those rooms for cover. it seems too empty atm.
June 19th, 2007, 11:21 AM
Re: WIP - Some random human map
Originally Posted by KennyownsU
Looks cool. Hopefully it is just stays that size and doesn't expand into a coldsnap varient.:eek:
Ok, why would he do that. No one would play it then.
June 19th, 2007, 11:37 AM
Re: WIP - Some random human map
Originally Posted by Daax
Ok, why would he do that. No one would play it then.
Im just saying, because you never know...
June 19th, 2007, 01:04 PM
Re: WIP - Some random human map
Originally Posted by SnaFuBAR
how about less mesh edits of low poly h1 campain stuff?
You mean just the door frame? And the blast door door frame...=/ Thats all I took from the game. Yeah I guess I should get rid of those. ;_;
Originally Posted by kennyownsU
Looks cool. Hopefully it is just stays that size and doesn't expand into a coldsnap varient.:eek:
It won't. :) Its just inside that hangar area and the rooms/halls.
June 19th, 2007, 02:53 PM
Re: WIP - Some random human map
can you take better renders? mb put a wide angle cam in the map with better lighting?
June 19th, 2007, 03:35 PM
Re: WIP - Some random human map
Originally Posted by rentafence
Eh, I was triyng to decide if I should show this now, or wait until more is done, but someone convinced me to show it now. Basically, its a human map set inside a hangar, with some rooms off to the side, blah blah blah. I'm trying to keep gameplay in mind while making this, so I need some suggestions. (I didn't make that space ship thats in there)
When making renders of a level don't just render it from user or prespective view put a camera inside the level so it looks better.
June 19th, 2007, 05:18 PM
Re: WIP - Some random human map
Originally Posted by phase
When making renders of a level don't just render it from user or prespective view put a camera inside the level so it looks better.
wow, like was quoting his entire post necessary to say exactly what i just said?
good one :rolleyes:
June 19th, 2007, 05:28 PM
Re: WIP - Some random human map
Originally Posted by DOMINATOR
wow, like was quoting his entire post necessary to say exactly what i just said?
good one :rolleyes:
First off you never told him to put cameras inside for renders you just told/asked him "can you take better renders?" witch isn't saying what I did.
Its sorta of a habit of mine to qoute people that am talking to, Ill put the put in spoiler tags.
June 19th, 2007, 05:31 PM
Re: WIP - Some random human map
Originally Posted by phase
First off you never told him to put cameras inside for renders you just told/asked him "take better renders?" witch isn't saying what I did.
guess you can't read
can you take better renders? mb put a wide angle cam in the map with better lighting?
June 19th, 2007, 05:37 PM
Re: WIP - Some random human map
I get the point guys. :eyesroll:
June 19th, 2007, 05:41 PM
Re: WIP - Some random human map
Originally Posted by DOMINATOR
guess you can't read
Sorry about that I always tend to ignore bad grammar when it comes to 3dsmax talk , so it just sounded like:
"put a wide angle in map with better lighting" to me.
June 19th, 2007, 11:56 PM
Re: WIP - Some random human map
I don't see how that was bad grammar. He used some shorthand to get the point accross. Never-the-less, the point is that you either cannot read, or your comprehension level is below par. Not to mention, you shouldn't be attacking his grammar when your response was a run-on sentence :rolleyes:
In any case, i feel like your map is looking far too similar to the cryobay and surrounding areas in H1. I would stay away from that, seeing how (probably) most people can't wait to get out of the cryobay and continue on with their game. What I can see a cryobay being useful for is spawning, and away from the flag. Nothing ruins a good capture like killing everyone in the base, grabbing the flag, only to be gunned down by the guy who spawns right by the flag.