Okay, so I just finished watching End of Evangelion.
Hey, it's better than the original ending.
Have any of you played any visual novels? They're rather cool. It's almost like a manga but in color and with voice acting. Some are pretty amazing, like Tsukuhime and Fate Stay Night. Now here's a bit of controversy... a lot of the really amazing ones are actually eroges (Including the ones I just mentioned). Now don't be discouraged by that, the eroticness of them is simply a separate entity from the compelling stuff (Story, characters etc). Although there aren't very many visual novels officially released in English, the die hard fans have translated the awesome ones. Here's a list of some of the fantranslated visual novels (Downloads [For the free ones] and Buy links [For the ones that cost money] are available on this page)
One visual novel has been in the process of translation lately (And it's 95% finished at that). Its entitled: Chaos;Head (Don't worry this one isn't an eroge).
Here's a sypnopsis for it.
So far, 2 episodes of the anime have been released fansubbed and it seems pretty cool so far. (If you don't like the anime, don't judge it by it, because some of the most amazing visual novels have had shitty animes). A beta patch for the visual novel has also been released. http://www.mediafire.com/?gomjyedywyg (Everything is translated besides the pictures, which will remain unedited until the next and most likely final patch is released).Chaos;Head is a Japanese visual novel developed by 5pb. and Nitroplus with gore, psychology, and science fiction elements. The game is described by the development team as a "Delusional Science NVL" . The game's premise revolves around a high school student named Takumi Nishijō who unknowingly walks into the scene of a gruesome murder on his way home. More mysterious events starts happening afterwards as more gruesome murders occurs in the area. Takumi struggles to cope with reality and the delusions he experiences as he tries to avoid being getting caught by the perpetrator behind the chain of murders.
Here's the Opening for the visual novel (the song is pretty awesome, it's entitled: "Find the Blue"):
Project Home Page: http://www.tsukuru.info/tlwiki/index...e=Chaos%3BHead
Project Tracking Page: http://www.assembla.com/wiki/show/kaosheddo
Last edited by ultama121; October 20th, 2008 at 07:30 PM.
Even though, I told you.
Anyways, I watched the Lucky Star OVA. Which made my penis explode and my brain come out of tact with my head. Now all I can do is masturbate and eat. Which is the same as before that happened. Anyways, the Lucky Star OVA is amazing and it made me a hardcore Lucky Star fan within its short 40 minutes. I now have over 9000 Desktop Wallpaper and highly recommend watching it![]()
So I watched King of Braves : GaoGaiGar and GaoGaiGar Final (the sequel)...
For the first ~25 episodes it's a generic kid's show about giant robots with generic villains. There's very little development on the part of the antagonists with a monster-of-the-week approach to plot development. It uses an irritatingly large amount of stock footage (comprising anywhere from 1/8 to 1/4 of a 24-minute episode) and a very facepalm-inducing transforming vehicles aspect - both of these don't totally go away until far later in the show, which really detract from its quality. The opening theme will make you wince, as will a very large number of moments throughout the series...
But then around episode 29 it gets insanely, fuck-yeah-ing awesome.
It's like halfway through the show the producers realized that they would appeal to a far bigger audience if they turned down the suckiness. The stock footage is trimmed, the antagonists get a better motive than "lets rule world lol", and there will be scenes where you go "OMG NOOOOO" or "FUCK YESSSSSSSSSS :awesome:." Granted, the childish elements take a while to fade way, and even after the first FUCK YES point there will be facepalm moments that send the show plunging back to the failure that it started out as, but by the end they've been completely overshadowed by the aura of BURNING PASSION AND COURAGE that the characters emit.
While you're waiting for the suck to go away, the show (inadvertantly at times) lets you have some good laughs involving :
-Rocket-powered rollerskates
-A unicorn mech equipped with energy weapons made from freezers and microwaves piloted by a homeless guy
-A fire truck that shoots fire
-The writers' terrible understanding of the English Language; results include a supposedly American character exclaiming "great!" when she is informed of a railway gun being aimed at a city
-A gay robot that fights using a gold-plated key-tar that shoots lasers
-General suckiness
-WTF moments that, I guarantee, overshadow anything else you have ever seen.
I went into this show with my dislike of most mecha anime (I have yet to enjoy a single Gundam series - Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann has up until now been the only mecha anime I liked) and really had my doubts up until said turning point...
But by the end of the main series I loved it, and with a few minor hiccups the sequel was even more amazing. If you're going to watch it, I'd reccomend seeing the first few episodes just to become acquainted with the main characters and the premise, but then just skip around until 29. (Not skip over, because some episodes *do* have cool stuff regardless of the early-on suck factor. The first 5-10 minutes can usually be an indicator of if something important will happen or not.) It's ~50 episodes in total, no reason to waste time watching the entirety of an episode with nothing interesting happening.
In conclusion, it'll probably be worth the time investment, unless you suck and can't appreciate BURNING PASSION AND COURAGE.
All episodes are on YouTube. Except the very last one. YT is a faggot and thought it would be funny to make it cut off in the middle, which caused me to rage like I've never raged before.
Last edited by teh lag; November 9th, 2008 at 12:50 PM.
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