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Thread: rec0's Devicator Server App for Halo CE 1.08

  1. #1

    rec0's Devicator Server App for Halo CE 1.08

    First things first…

    1. SAPP is included with this release. It MUST be used in order to get full functionality out of the app. Be sure to include "load" in your init.txt file to ensure SAPP is loaded on server start.

    2. Logging MUST be enabled on the server for Devicator to work. Edit your init.txt to include “sv_log_enabled 1”.

    3. Using sv_say in rcon or the app's /e command will cause the server to crash instantly. Use say “x” (where x is your message) if you want to broadcast a message.

    4. Running is app is no doubt against the Terms of Service of GameServers or any other hosting company. DO NOT BLAME US if you somehow get busted and your server gets terminated.

    Now we have that out of the way…

    Below are the instructions for the installation and configuration of rec0’s Devicator. Inside the RAR file of the release are two folders: “home server” and “gameservers”. Extract the folder to your computer you that is applicable to your setup. DO NOT UPLOAD YET.

    Minimal hex editing is required in the next step. If you feel uncomfortable performing the following actions, OR if you do not care about the server’s name when you use the /stunts and /restore commands, you can optionally skip this step. If you use the commands, however, you will have to manually set the server’s name through rcon with sv_name or the app’s /svname command.

    To set up the server names, you will need a hex editor. For this example, Tiny Hexer will be used. Tiny Hexer is freeware and is simple to use. It can be downloaded here.

    Launch Tiny Hexer and open "haloceded_extended.exe". Scroll down until you reach offset 0xE140 (see picture below). This will set the name of the server when the “/stunts” command is executed. Repeat the same procedure at offset 0xE170 for the “/restore” name.

    IMPORTANT NOTE: You MUST highlight each letter and replace it with your own. The total length of the /stunts” name cannot exceed 21 characters. The total length of the “/restore” name cannot exceed 35 characters.

    Click to enlarge.

    The next step involves editing Devicator’s database file. You will need Microsoft Access (or a free alternative called mdbviewer) to perform the editing.

    The database is located in the _d folder and is called “_d.mdb”. Open the database with Microsoft Access and double click on the “players” table. Fill in the columns “names” and “cdkey” with your own information. The “names” column is your nickname in Halo, and the cdkey column is your CD key’s hash used for administrator identification. Set an admin level of 10 for yourself.

    NOTE: Admin levels range from 1 through 10. Admin levels have very similar privileges, but the biggest difference is that a lower admin level cannot promote themselves or another to a higher admin level. Also, a “10” cannot “/a” another higher than 7. The database will need to be manually edited for that.

    Click to enlarge.

    Now with the configuration complete, all that is left to do is to upload it. The Halo server MUST be closed down before files are uploaded, so shut it down now.

    Upload the contents of the folder you extracted earlier into the same directory as haloceded.exe. Be sure to backup any files that are going to be overwritten in case you want to remove Devicator in the future.

    Edit your init.txt to include the required “load” and “sv_log_enabled 1” commands now if you haven’t done so already. It should look similar to the one below:

    sv_name "Modacity Game Server -"
    sv_public 1
    sv_motd motd.txt
    sv_maxplayers 16
    sv_rcon_password RCONPASS
    sv_mapcycle_timeout 10
    sv_log_enabled 1

    SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR HOME SERVERS: If you are using the "home server" folder, Devicator will NOT start automatically. You will need to manually launch it by executing haloceded_extended.exe.

    Once you are sure everything is set, you may start the server and enjoy using rec0’s Devicator!

    The Devicator commands are detailed HERE. Be sure to carefully read over and understand the commands fully before use. If used incorrectly, the server can crash.


    By downloading and using rec0’s Devicator, you agree to the following:

    - The application is only authorized for use on Halo CE 1.08. You must update your game to play on the server. Running Devicator on any other versions of Halo is strictly against this agreement.

    - The application cannot be sold for profit or sold bundled with anything for any monetary amount.

    - This application is offered without any guarantee of reliability. If it causes instability of your server or your operating system, we cannot be held responsible for any data loss or hardware damage.

    - We are not in any way responsible for any issues you may experience, legal or technical, with the application.

    - Any server found to be running Devicator in violation of this agreement will be terminated.

    - These terms in this agreement can be updated at any time without notice.


    All credit goes to rec0 for the Devicator; Termy for SAPP. Thank you for your contributions to the Halo CE community!

    See also: Server Error Restarter
    (Post updated and re-written by jcap 4/17/2009)
    Last edited by Con; October 18th, 2010 at 02:29 AM.
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  2. #2

    Re: RELEASE - rec0's Server app for 1.08

    Well... This was an unexpected turn of events...
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  3. #3
    lives in a van down by... Kaishounashi's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Re: RELEASE - rec0's Server app for 1.08

    wow, interesting indeed.

    thank you for the release, it should prove interesting to examine the files and play around with the app even this late in the game's lifecycle
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  4. #4
    +rep to cure coronavirus n00b1n8R's Avatar
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    Oct 2006

    Re: RELEASE - rec0's Server app for 1.08

    No idea why it took so long, good to see it's finally public. :awesome:

    PS: move to release
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  5. #5

    Re: RELEASE - rec0's Server app for 1.08

    enjoy guys.

    also, i put it here because i wasn't sure if the release forum needed to be admin verified or whatever.
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  6. #6
    Meep, Meep FluffyDucky™'s Avatar
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    Down Under.

    Re: RELEASE - rec0's Server app for 1.08

    Lmao! Yeah.. I don't know what to say.
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  7. #7

    Re: RELEASE - rec0's Server app for 1.08

    On the Lancers Edge already, configured, tested, and ready to abuse go!
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  8. #8
    El Durado :/
    Join Date
    Oct 2006

    Re: RELEASE - rec0's Server app for 1.08

    Wow ok I really did not expect this.
    Wow it was fun abusing using the app on your server Freelancer.

    Now what are the difference's in admin levels?
    Last edited by supersniper; March 2nd, 2009 at 06:29 AM.
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  9. #9

    Re: RELEASE - rec0's Server app for 1.08

    nothing in terms of abilities, only a 8 -10 can give or take admin, and a 1 cannot kick a 2, and so on.

    also a note, if you want to run this on a home dedi, you do not need to change or alter the strings files... you'll just need to run the dedi and the app separately. (open dedi, open app right after)
    Last edited by StankBacon; March 2nd, 2009 at 07:13 AM.
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  10. #10
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2007

    Re: RELEASE - rec0's Server app for 1.08

    Didn't see this coming

    Also rec0 go make a tf2 server app.
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