yeah I've been neglecting to update this because I've been messing with the game's coding and added water to ACT 1 of Rusty Factory. the lower levels are now completely submerged in most places and makes it interesting to watch that dreaded countdown timer popping up and counting down while you struggle to find a way to get above the water just to steal a breath of air before submerging again.
anyways pictures:
also, a new sneaky thing I did...introducing the harm ring (clever object placement)
Currently the demo goes up to Volcanic Crater ACT 2... Speaking of which the boss is ALOT harder, with two moving platforms being your only safe ground and the platforms move on and off screen forcing you to time your attacks.
sounds fun doesn't it?
stay tuned for a video of the VC ACT 2 boss (I have trouble beating it, so I placed a 1up and shield monitor close to the star post before the battle to cut down on head aches and continue wastes)