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Thread: Turning speed when using stationary turrets

  1. #1

    Turning speed when using stationary turrets

    Don't know if this is a bug or if it's supposed to be this way, but... when using a stationary plasma or chaingun turret (not one on warthog), the x-axis turns REALLY slowly. The turret only has a range of like 145º or something (complete guess) and it takes like 5 seconds to move from the left side to the right side. Vertical movement is fine.

    Is this intentional to prevent the turrets from being overpowered or something?
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  2. #2

    Re: Turning speed when using stationary turrets

    I have my sensitivity set up to 10 and controlling a player seems fine but when I get in a vehicle its just too hard to steer. Any vehicle. The warthog turret does have a delayed reaction to aiming though. but you should be able to aim about as quick as you do with a gun (on the xbox you can), just the turret won't be facing that direction. Everytime I get in a vehicle I have to switch to a controller to make it remotely playable. You are not alone

    btw have I met you online?
    Last edited by WolfenRage; June 8th, 2007 at 02:57 AM.
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  3. #3
    ∫e^x = Sex Mr Buckshot's Avatar
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    Re: Turning speed when using stationary turrets

    lol the stationary turrets aren't ideal. You may be lucky and tear one or two players to pieces with sustained fire, but sitting in a turret is like broadcasting a message saying "Grenade me." Expect to see plasma grenades flying if you're spotted manning a turret. By the time you exit the turret after spotting the blue glow, it's likely that the grenade will have already stuck.

    The problem ain't the mouse sensitivity. It's a response delay, and it's evident in vehicles too. I also need my X360 gamepad to gain better control of vehicles.
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  4. #4

    Re: Turning speed when using stationary turrets

    Quote Originally Posted by WolfenRage View Post
    btw have I met you online?

    And while there is a delay with vehicle turrets, i'm fine with them for the most part. I don't see any significant problems with vehicles on my end. My question is about the difference between handling stationary turrets and those on hogs.

    Controlling a warthog turret is fine for me.
    Stationary turrets don't have excessive delay on my end. It's that when turning them horizontally it feels like my mouse sensitivity is negative fifteen.
    Turning them vertically is ok.
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  5. #5

    Re: Turning speed when using stationary turrets

    I noticed the same problem today, very slow turn rate on the stationary turret while everything else is fine. Not delay or anything, just really slow.

    Was also wondering if it was because it was OP, but don't belive that to be the case since you usualy get wrecked before you kill more than one person.
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  6. #6
    MAW Clan
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    Re: Turning speed when using stationary turrets

    At first I thought it was to balance the weapon but now I'm not so sure. It like swimming through molasses. It so bad that the mounts are not an option. Two things should be corrected. The swivel speed should be increased, but not too much. You should be able to exit the turret quicker so that you are less suseptable to nades.
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  7. #7
    Senior Membe Syuusuke's Avatar
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    Re: Turning speed when using stationary turrets

    If the "speed" of exiting the turret is same as Halo 2 xbox's then they're not going to change that, you're just going to have to hope that you're fast enough. It's part of the game.
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  8. #8

    Re: Turning speed when using stationary turrets

    if someone has the xbox version can they check stationary turret turning speed on it for us?
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