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Thread: [Filter] Surreal Effect

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    chilango Con's Avatar
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    Victoria, BC, Canada

    [Filter] Surreal Effect

    DXTweaker, besides being able to fix the active camo on Nvidia cards, can be used to apply post-processing to games. It uses pixel shaders in a .xml file, so I spent the day learning how they work and how to make these pixel shaders. What came out was an effect that gave the game a sort of "surreal" or dreamy feeling. It's more contrasted, and more saturated.


    Blood Gulch

    Download Filter
    Download DXTweaker with Filter and Camo Fix

    1. If you don't already have DXTweaker, download it from the link above. If you've done that, then you can skip to step 4.
    2. If you already have DXTweaker, but not the Filter, then download the filter from the link provided. Place the .xml file in the DXTweaker\Plugin\PostFilterEffect\ folder.
    3. In DXTweaker, under "Modules to Load," make sure that "Post Filter" is checked. For the module properties, maker sure that Surreal is selected. There's also some default filters to play around with too.
    4. If you aren't using an Nvidia card, you can uncheck the "ident changer" module. This removes the camo fix since you don't need it.
    5. To start the game using the filter, or just the camo fix alone, create a shortcut to either of the files in the DXTweaker\Config folder. Also make sure that .dxtp files are associated with DXTweaker.
    Note: In DXTweaker, I've set up some arguments for halo, you can remove this if you want
    Note 2: halo will probably exception when you quit, as if that mattered, but still...
    Note 3: This is incompatible with Yelo

    Last edited by Con; January 4th, 2008 at 09:55 PM.
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