It seems Microsoft finally got it through their thick heads that Games for Windows LIVE was heading straight for the biggest failure next to Microsoft BOB. Unfortunately, the dollar signs in their eyes were blinding them for too long. It took over a year to see that there are no PC gamers out there who want to pay for a shit service when other services offer the same features and more for free.

Cutting to the chase, Microsoft announced today that Games for Windows LIVE will now be free. All features LIVE offered to Gold members for a subscription are now free to all silver members on the GFWL platform. They say that free multiplayer is just the beginning, but it would have been nice to have it free from the beginning. Maybe now this will give them a second shot at the PC gaming market that Steam is eating up, or maybe the lack of support for their titles makes this too little too late.

Again, another news post I'll have to reword at a later date. Until then, celebrate! We have won.