So...I have a dusty old copy of 3ds max, and I want to start putting it to use.

But all the tutorials I've tried so far haven't worked out...

I'm looking for a weapon animating tutorial, or something like it, so I can start from scratch and learn how to animate weapons...

So far, I've had tutorials that require:

A) More expireience then I have, without suggesting what I start with first <_<

B) Mysterious files that aren't included and are assumed that I somehow got beforehand.

Or, there is no sound or somebody with the mike completely in their mouth. >_>


What tutorials are out there that I can use and follow to work up to be able to animate? I don't know the least thing about 3ds, so a basics tutorial would be nice, then a weapons one. <_<

My IM is ItszutakTwo, if you'd like to help me learn. Thanks!