Halo Tag Converter
Develped by SteelixB.
Released by Masterz1337

What this is
Halo Tag Converter is teh predecsor to HEK+. SteelixB scrapped this application,
as he felt he could do a better job and make a better open source application dealing with tag extraction and other needs.
HEK+ is a superior tag extractor, but it does have a few problems. These problems range to actor_varient grenade throwing, certain phsyics and animations,
single player scenarios (firing points for squads are corrupted with some HEK+ versions, and all HEK+ versions do not allow squads to manuver to
other squads properly).

I am releasing this, as I belive some people will benefit from having an ALTERNATIVE extractor to inspect certain tags.
CMT is using this to check our scenarios squads to make sure original squads are refing the right firing points.

What this does.
This is another tag extractor, similiar to HEK+. It also has several other features.
-String list editing. Similiar to the app Steelix released later, this one was built into the program
-Tag Zip archiving. Rips tags nad places them in Zip folders.
-Bitmap Converter. This was never finsihed and does not work.
-Conversion Script Editor. Allows data in the conversion scripts to be edited.
-Scenrio extraction- Has several options whne extracting a scenario, including MP conversion.
-Quick extraction- Alows a tag to be saved to any location. Usefull if you want to rip a tag and give it a different name.

Problems with the program.
The conversion scripts were never completed, so not all of them work properly. They do work however, but you should be carefull when extracting with it.
While many extraction scripts work perfet, not all do, such as scenarios for instance. It also will dsiaplay an error on startup, but just hit
continue and the program will continue. The bitmap converter doesn't work, as I stated earlier.

Enjoy the application and use it wisely. Be sure to credit the makers of the content you are ripping.
