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Thread: Noobie Tip: Don't release your first maps

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  1. #31

    Re: Noobie Tip: Don't release your first maps

    Quote Originally Posted by Polamee View Post
    I kind of agree with this guy to an extent. You can't really make any money out of modding Halo, so you might as well do it for fun. I'll tell you, when I figured out how to modify weapons and how they acted in Halo PC with HHT, I shat a brick and was so fuckin' happy. I posted a video here, but I knew it didn't sync over the net well so I didn't post a map (Anyone remember m00kgulch? lolz). I knew it was just another BG mod, so that's another reason I didn't post it. However, I learned from that how to modify weapons, and here I am doing a UT2004 TC with some of the most unique weapon tagging I personall have seen so far for the Halo engine (not to stroke my own ego, I've just honestly never seen too many impressive, out-of-the-box weapons in any of the maps I've downloaded).

    However, Modacity is a place for quality mods, and box maps are a bit common. I'd say releasing a box map to your friends is as far as you SHOULD go, then work on better material that would be more worthy of releasing, IE unique weapon modifications. Learn some stuff in MAX, swap out some weapons, animate some stuff, stuff like that. Don't expect your very, very first mod to be something that will impress. Think of it as a learning experience.

    Also, Snaf, when he say "did something new" I think he meant for that individual person, not something completely unique in the community.

    And in my honest opinion, telling someone how absolutely god-aweful shitty their first mods are will do nothing but discourage them. It's like someone getting told they aren't good enough for a position they're applying for that they really want. That would make ANYBODY feel like shit, I'll tell you that from a first hand perspective

    You are right in the sense that his mod is nothing too unique, but really I think this guy has potential if he learns enough about the tools... hell, one day he could probably pull off some stuff like that crazy ass Danger Canyon SP mod we saw a while back.
    Last edited by t3h m00kz; February 17th, 2009 at 03:46 PM.

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