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Thread: Seven ate Nein...

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  1. #1
    Kid in the Hall Kornman00's Avatar
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    Sep 2006
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    Code Seven ate Nein...

    ...then died of food poisoning.

    Its that time again. Another Bungie Day in yet another year.

    WELL! Wake up and smell the air, because the winds of change are here! Or coming rather. You all thought it would never happen, you all shrugged it off as yet another halo project that was all-talk-no-walk, you all think CMT will actually release something someday. OK, so maybe not that last bit, but it was worth a shot, no? No, okay.

    Well, prepare to be blown...away. Prepare to cream the area which your pants used to cover, but due to the extreme gale force winds that change has brought, have now been blown away and are being worn by the Pantaless tribes populating the uncivilized lands of Africa (Lord I apologize, please be with the starvin' pygmies down there in New Guinea).

    Prepare to...OPEN SAUCE!

    "Open Sauce", ladies and people-lacking-vagaroos, is a Kornner Software development modeled highly after the 'Yelo' project. An Open Source development. Meaning, you will be able to see our sauce source. Of course, there are always some catches, but discussion of those catches are for another time (which is not now), but rest assured that one of those catches do not involve money.

    What can you expect with such fine homemade sauce? Well, you can definitely expect HaloCE to become MUCH more adaptive in terms of mods. Not only because you will now be able to add your own engine extensions and such, but because you will be able to....make your OWN tag groups :o. Meaning, you can create totally new tags of whatever structure of values you like (within the limits of the target editor).

    The In-Your-Pants excitement doesn't stop there though. While the first release of Open Sauce will contain joyful collections of HaloCE resources, one of the other goodies we also have in store is for Halo 2 (Xbox), which is scheduled for inclusion in at least the second major release of Open Sauce. I don't want to spoil the entire surprise of what you can look forward to in the coming months, so I'll leave some of the more juicy details for the first release post.

    "But wait, when can we expect the first release?" you all say in unison. Well, you all know me, I like to make the community put on their thinking caps, so here on some helpful hints. At the time of this post, there will be something lurking below that will have a NLT date. As for the specific release date, well...if some of you do a little research and reading between the lines, I'm sure you can EASILY pin-point the exact date of the first release.

    See the OpenSauce SDK thread in the Halo CE Release forum:
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