This thread goes against my core belief. That belief being that all celebrities are in fact false creatures. Prove to me that any of these people exist in the form that you see them in. For example:

The pam anderson you see:

The pam anderson that exists:

The women you see in this thread are no more than excellent pieces of photography. They must have spent hours getting every blemish covered, every pose perfected, each little strand of hair in the perfect position, all to hide their imperfections. And on top of that I guarantee you that there is not one of these pictures that has not seen a digital editing program. Furthermore, I believe that imperfections are not something to be blocked out, because they are SEXY. Any woman I see with her face perfectly made, and her hair just the way everyone wants it, I instinctively believe is a tool with little self confidence. Give me a woman who doesn't give a fuck about anyone's opinion on her appearance except her own, and dresses as such.

Thank you.