well keep in mind I started a few weeks ago, and have no experience reading any thing like that, and I'm rather preoccupied by school with all of these excesive homework assignments (comes with being in ap classes). and don't have a garenteed chance at using the computer when I want it, one computer is shared with 5 diffrent people and my mom works over the net. I'm getting some where though with what I got. but while where talking about my lack of experience, can I get a tutorial or something on making good textures, and uv mapping in gmax? better than repeating the same image of grass over and over for the ground and stuff. And if CMT ever decides to come back, they should change their name, CMT is to close to country music television for me, and has no imagination, dispite all they can do with modds, they can't come up with a good name for themselve. but thats tho only critisism I can justifiably make.