I am only a dreamer. an idealist. I create ideas on things i have some familiarity, but i am no expert.

My ideas are a halo Custom edition Revamp.

What if Bungi or someone were to recreate Halo CE to be all three halos?

Rebuilding the Custom edition engine. Creating an easy map editing process, like an open scource halo.

Making a biped maker, Ai scripter, Weapon creator, Animation editors for each, certain plug ins for customization.

I'd like to see an app that is compatable to change your biped's apearence. Being able to inject ur biped into the map, with it's animations.

Then, what if there were options to allow A registered DEVELOPER mode that can be enabled or disabled so you can screw around with stuff during a game, either allowing it for the Host or everyone at host's choice.

Then for levels, crating a room where Single player maps can be Multiplayer.

for Non campaign single player maps, having a different section to add those maps in, so that custom maps, Campaign A10, a30 and that suff is also sepaerate from the also separate Level type things that are called Single player.

Multiplay single play right?

An open scource Halo Trilogy custom edition then right?

It's possible, i think, but we'd have to start from scratch right? Get Bungie's permission, or get them to help.

To be honest i'm a noob, or amature whatever. I love the game because it's simply the first FPS i played.