Thought I might as well get around to posting this here.
Video here:

Map here:

Small area, when I was modeling it, I was originally going to have the AI walk around, but I decided that it was too much , so the pathfinding in the name is mostly a lie, they only know where the closest player is, nothing 'path' related. They use those collections of flag bases to find players, and fly towards them. They also shoot plasma rifle shots all over.. I would of made them only able to shoot at the player, but that takes moar scripts, and I got lazy. In the future, I'll probably make their shots homing to make up for their lack of aiming. They seem to sync, idk why clients see, but they do know where things to kill are located so that's all that matters.

So, leave feedback for the evolution of H2 AI. /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\