Yeah, said I did that in the first post regarding this. He's been looking through cases constantly and hasn't found anything better than the Red Phantom to his liking. He actually bought all three of the in-stock Phantom colors (black, white, and red) and tried them out where he wanted them. Than he returned the black and white ones since the red works best according to him.
I'd take a Fractal Design XL over the Phantom myself, and I recommended the Corsair Obsidian series to him which has a similar look to the Fractal Design XL. He didn't like how plain it looked.
As this is his first gaming PC he's at the stage where he wants it to look really cool as well as run really cool. I find that when people get their first gaming PC's they usually go with something extravagant like the Phantom and then as they mature on the technological front they move towards the minimalistic look.