Hello Mod-a-city.

I think it's important that I ask this. I have not bought this game port for this question's reverence as well. Everyone and every thread I have consulted seems to point me away from this game port. I'm not asking why and those sources easily conclude way. My question is rather the contrary to those conclusions: how can we, as people who know how far deep this game port has gone, fix it to revitalize it? Save it? I'm suggesting so because recently a good individual created a no-lead-fix for Halo Custom Edition servers that does a pretty good job at reducing the lead. This change simply got me to thinking about old, fucked up H2GoW (it was H2V, but now is Games for Windows). Is there anything we can do as a community to fix it? Halo 2 was a great, hyper-competitive, but great multiplayer experience that can still be played today.

As an enlightened community, can we even fix it from the "Buyer's Remorse?" Is there a way to promote it in ways that Halo 2 can live on and retain that classic Halo gameplay for modern FPS gamers with most FPS games respectfully taking newer approaches? I miss a lot of Halo 2. Not the BXR, or BRB, or other exploited glitches. I don't miss the hackers (never will) in Matchmaking and I have heard that's what most hacking is in H2PC. I miss the Covenant Carbine and the old-school matches of Zombies. I miss Dual-Wielding and the hilariousness that was Halo 2 Elite bipeds being ran over by Ghosts. We all know the likelihood of another Halo PC Port is very unlikely given how console love is declining as the fad of home consoles is slowly deteriorating (as technology improves as well). So is there anyway to revive this game port? Any way at all? Any way to save it from dying like Halo 3 has and soon Halo Reach? Halo PC (not HCE, but PC) has lived for 10 years with just regular maps, so why can't we do the same with H2PC?

I think we need to save this game port, mainly because if it's plausible I know this community can.