Quote Originally Posted by Warsaw View Post
You know, my monitor is also supposedly 6 ms GTG with 12 ms typical, 16 ms tested by Anand. If it's ghosting, I'm usually too busy having fun or oogling at the visuals to care. A bigger issue is the input lag that results when you enable VSYNC. In Battlefield, it's enough to get you killed.
That's what I'm talking about. I always equated the ms with response time between updates with hertz/refresh

My old samsung syncmaster had an advertised 75 hertz refresh rate, but when we went to the full Rez of the monitor of 1900x1200 it would drop to 60. False advertisement, or misleading, rather.

What sucks about all of this, is that 4k monitors in less than 27" screens are only making a comeback JUST NOW those monitors are $1,200 on eBay currently, and were released in 2001. TWO THOUSAND AND ONE. WE HAVE BEEN ABLE TO HAVE 4K monitors for 12 FREAKING YEARS. IM PISSED.