Well, this hasn't been updated since 2012.

Pretty much all progress on this stopped soon after the revelation that the various UI elements would be scaled to 640x480 and then back up to 1080p. It looked horrible. Absolutely, train-wreckingly horrible. After putting all the small intricate details into the existing elements I just didn't see the point of continuing if it was all going to be a blurry pixelated mass anyway. Now, I am interested in picking this up again since I have all the source files (the only thing unfinished is the options menu) and a few tests in the game itself but only if there is a way to resolve the issue of Halo scaling down the image.

I've actually thought of a possible way to do it. Now, as is established, a UI can only display flat images at 640x480 but what is the limit of the size of images inside the game engine itself? In the same way a wall is textured, images could be textured on a flat surface and UI buttons that are invisible (somehow) are placed over the top of them so when you click on a part of the image, an action would be performed. I think this might be better illustrated by an image:
Click image for larger version. 

Name:	n8L5g6e.png 
Views:	147 
Size:	25.8 KB 
ID:	3285
Is there anything wrong with this theory? I haven't tested it out myself since I'm away from where I've got Halo installed but I'm interested in getting this UI finished if this actually works. Any feedback would be great thanks.