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Thread: Am I missing something?

  1. #1
    chilango Con's Avatar
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    Victoria, BC, Canada

    Am I missing something?

    No, I'm not talking about my genitals. I'm talking about the setup for the assault gametype. From Sapien, the scenario saves without warnings, but when I try to play assault ingame, it just goes "game over" and puts me back into the lobby like there's no spawn points...

    well there aren't I guess, but how do I add spawn points for assault when it's not even on the list of gametypes in Sapien?

    I tried setting the Game Type 2 for a bunch of spawns to "All Game Types," and I still don't spawn. My initial spawn zones have all Game Types checked, but Assault isn't even on the list. The help file, despite its name, wasn't any help at all. I have bomb spawns and bomb returns.

  2. #2
    Senior Member FireScythe's Avatar
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    Re: Am I missing something?

    The Assault gametype uses the same spawn points as CTF (As do all objective team games) so setting them to Capture the Flag should be all you need to do.

    The way I set the spawns up in Posterity was to have the Capture the Flag spawns properly set with team designations to red and blue. All the other spawns are All except CTF with team designated as Neutral.

    Only other thing to check is that your Bomb spawns and returns have the correct flags checked (Team spawns have Multi and Single checked, Neutral has neutral, Returns have all three) and double check their set to the right type.

    Can't think of anything else that would affect it.

    EDIT: Just remembered, I don't know if having no Spawn Data thingies would stop you from spawning in Assault as it works fine in the example map and normal CTF, but I found I had to use them to get the teams to spawn in the right place. Best to set them up anyway.
    Last edited by FireScythe; October 20th, 2007 at 05:12 PM.

  3. #3
    Kid in the Hall Kornman00's Avatar
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    Re: Am I missing something?

    In Halo 2, assault uses the exact same engine as CTF. I don't have time to read the entire thread as I'm in the US, but I would assume setting it all up just like CTF would help, but sorry if it isn't any help.

  4. #4
    chilango Con's Avatar
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    Aug 2006
    Victoria, BC, Canada

    Re: Am I missing something?

    Thanks FS, it was the flags.

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