What do I do with Kiwis Injector?
well after trying kiwi-s package and puttting all the files in to H2 folder. Then double clicking inject.bat ,it starts the game after i click yes to load and itopens facebook. As it starts i get a pop up that says Reset and i start the game and it pops up about 4 times and finally after getting campaign to load it wont work when i press F1.
I was playing around with it yesterday. I was playing Cario Station on legendary with the Infinity health, ammo, battery, no over heat and infinity grenades. When I got into the elevator that says "Return to Sender" and the cut scene the game completely crashed without warning or hesitation. Never had this happen before.
Plus seeing people on servers superboucing makes me want to cry.
Booted it up, played it, loved it. As for the bugs, bringing up the menu doesn't actually pause the game; the screen freezes, but everything else happens, and half of the time I tried to bring the menu up, the game would "pause" like normal, but the menu wouldn't appeared. Constant pressing brings it up after a while, though. I was also confused at the lack of "infinite ammo." Not having to pick up weapons is fun, but it's just a little too easy without the need to reload.
In addition, the "deathless player" cheat resets after the level is restarted or if you revert to a checkpoint. The menu displays "ON," but the game acts like it's off. Switching it to off and back on fixes that.
Other than these, though, it works like a charm. Maybe you could get the names of the skulls in for the next release.
Last edited by Phopojijo; January 5th, 2008 at 02:55 AM.
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