Well for some people, before Kiwi's fix, it wouldn't run at all, unless playing on XP.
I already talked with jcap about this. Kiwi's ban is justified.
BlueArrow has already been taken care off (password on Filefront).
Well, he was told this a long time before I came into this thread as well. It was also suggested to him by another member to remove his links to it; he never did.
But at any rate, this ban is temporary. Maybe it'll be a lesson to him to test his own software thoroughly before releasing... tough you'd think he should already know that considering Halo 2 Vista and it's broken-assed editing kit.
never used it?
Last edited by johnnyblaz20; January 7th, 2008 at 01:09 AM.
Last edited by Con; January 6th, 2008 at 11:51 PM.
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