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Thread: Tell jcap to post his desk, and post yours too! [JCAP POST YOUR DESK]

  1. #521
    Member Idjiki's Avatar
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    Chicago USA

    Re: Post your PC pics

    you're kidding right?

    it goes fast with no lag and runs games really well. If and when i need to i will put in the crossfire...for now it purrs like a kitten no matter how hard i push it.

    Maybe if i told you I work on a computer all day and night long...If you do that you will want a pc that doesn't quit on you ever.

    hey, ive got like 15 pc's and 5 servers. you want pics of them? none are as extreme as this thing is.
    Last edited by Idjiki; March 20th, 2008 at 04:32 PM.
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  2. #522

    Re: Post your PC pics

    My computer never quit on me neither. What do you work on with your computer?
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  3. #523
    Member Idjiki's Avatar
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    Re: Post your PC pics

    so its like this, i can have all my editing tools up, be working on client networks in multiple remote sessions (diff types), outlook, as many ie or firefox windows i want (i do a lot of online lookups and referencing), multiple virtual machines, etc you name it ... and then open up halo for a while and play w/o any problems. All this while another profile is also running with all its apps. that's alot and i do know computers.. most wouldn't do that at all and if at all, then poorly.... and all that within the available memory... i dont care what anyone says, no page file = faster

    Are your PC pics in here? there are too many posts to sort through.
    i'd love to see it.
    Last edited by Idjiki; March 20th, 2008 at 05:35 PM.
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  4. #524
    lol modacity Timo's Avatar
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    New Zealand

    Re: Post your PC pics

    My nice clean desk:

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  5. #525
    Senior Member
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    Re: Post your PC pics

    Is that cocaine dust by your mouse?

    Also, mine is cleaner

    EDIT : mister geo wanted me to go grab my second monitor :o

    My Camera is shit, I know.
    Last edited by Sel; March 22nd, 2008 at 01:39 PM.
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  6. #526
    Splendid! ExAm's Avatar
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    Re: Post your PC pics

    Quote Originally Posted by Timo View Post
    My nice clean desk:

    Looks like someone's in need of a mousepad :v
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  7. #527

    Re: Post your PC pics

    Holy shit Timo xD
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  8. #528
    Could've Moved Mountains
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    Sep 2006

    Re: Post your PC pics

    Look through this thread and tell me that you can spend at least 5 minutes to reroute the wiring so it looks as decent as some of these please. If you are spending thousands of dollars on computer components you might as well treat them decently. Having wire management that is sloppy like that not only looks like crap but puts stress on components/the superstructure of your case, affects airflow negatively and just seems flat out lazy. Look at this case for example:

    Beautiful wiring/tubing job and at most all the guy had to do was spend an hour or two tidying things up.
    EDIT: Here's another one:

    The main reason I am pointing this out is because while your pump (I'm assuming it's a Lange D4 or D5) has a lot of head pressure it still can have trouble priming while the top barb is not facing upwards. I have a D4 myself and have found this out personally, and my brother has a D5 which suffers from the same issue according to him. It's a limitation of the pump because that is the way it was designed to be operated. I also found out that this also causes extra wear and tear on the pump because it has to work harder, and while the MTBF on the Lange pumps is very good I'm sure you want your pump to last as long as possible, and simply rotating it around a bit will help with that.

    Another thing, letting your extra video card sit there doing nothing because of "airflow issues" is stupid because "by the time you need it" your hardware will be outdated anyway and the extra ~50% performance boost (if you are lucky) will not help you much at all. Most games don't care if you have crossfire enabled because the performance boost isn't really all that much. ATI generally does have good driver support for older products but what happens if they stop making crossfire profiles for your video cards and any games you play now act as if there is only one card installed? Then you have yourself an expensive paperweight. Blaming airflow for not running Crossfire is either stupidity on your part (You have a big ass fan literally right over your video card) or simply sheer laziness, that is the bottom line.

    Your CPU will probably be fine for a good long while but even now the Penryn CPUs are way faster clock for clock and they tend to overclock extremely well, even on air cooling (I've heard reports of people easily achieving 4Ghz on AIR cooling). These CPUs are going to be what developers target, in particular the Nehalem generation with insane amounts of memory bandwidth and up to 8 cores. A lot of games are finally making the shift to Dual core finally, some games that will be released this year are going to support/utilize up to 4 cores (I believe Crysis already does) and it isn't hard to see that by the end of the year when the octo core CPUs are released that they will begin to target octo core setups for the high end as well. I can easily see quad cores becoming mandatory for games within the next 2 years and octos being the recommended spec.

    Basically, if you think that your computer is going to stay in the high end spec range for more then 2 years without upgrades then you are delusional . Enjoy your hardware while it is high end.

    Here is my mid-high range machine, same pic as before but I'll replace it with a better non-blurry screenshot later. The 8600 GT is actually in my second bedside-content backup/portable Source modding machine (I'll try to get some pics of that to spice things up a bit too.
    Last edited by legionaire45; March 25th, 2008 at 01:39 AM.
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  9. #529
    aka [TOG]b-rad
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    Dec 2006

    Re: Post your PC pics

    teh beast at work
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  10. #530
    Member Idjiki's Avatar
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    Chicago USA

    Re: Post your PC pics

    legionaire, if i had a problem with my stuff i'd disclose that right away.. i don't at all so...
    hardware is always evolving.. my stuff is already a little out of date but the thing still does the job and then some so...
    my case is as tidy as you or i could ever make it... its a small case that is meant for air cooling alone. i adapted in the loop b/c i wanted to and i wanted to oc the hell out of it so....
    if you know the case i have then you should be reasonable about your expectations...
    You are using a full tower case... if my case were a full tower than it would look more to your liking...

    anyway, i just disagree that's all... i appreciate the time you took to post and i'm glad to see that there are some serious pc builders in this community, and i love your pc its awesome.. good job!
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