Hey, I'm just a computer facist, sorry about making that post sound so angry xD. Thanks for the complement. I could do a lot of work on mine (in particular my tubing is getting very thin ;___; ), but I'll save that for when one of these comes down in price :3.
Here is my secondary rig:
Overall a nice system although the PSU that came with it isn't the best and a standard sized unit won't go in. I have a Delta tri-blade fan in there that can blow at a bit over 120CFM when maxed, but it is ear piercingly loud so I have to turn it down via that Zalman fan controller xD. I need it though, the hard drives and the shitty Celeron D in there get pretty hot. As soon as I upgrade the main CPU in my main rig imma install my current C2D in that box and have a very nice PC there. Oh, and before anyone asks - yes, that is a cassette drive on the top :3.
Last edited by legionaire45; March 26th, 2008 at 11:57 PM.
it wasn't a diss...
I actually do like The Beast a lot..
very imaginative duct work, i've done some similiar setups b4 so been there done that...
my last ducting job (with tape and cardboard) was to help the server get its hot air out of the small closet it was in and help avoid it feeding hot air into the 2nd server that is also in the closet... got to be a little sauna in there... the ducting helped out tremendously
fyi - the air flow in what you call my ball of mess is actually pretty great... the case is designed to outperform other air-cooled cases by about 25% or so (something like that, the exact number is on the Lian-Li site). The spot cooler is something you may want to look into... cheap and works great, plus you can set the fan to 3 different speeds depending on noise lvls and air flow needs... its doing a great job of cooling my bank of 8 GB ram.
so kudos man.. no diss
legion, i have built a very similiar pc as the one posted above.. its eery how similiar...
yes, that case comes with a crappy PSU... i had 2 fail on me
i replaced it eventually with another one that did fit and is still working... I forget the model/make now since its been awhile...
i luv that case and its handle...even tho the handle feels a little fragile it hasn't broken yet...good for lan parties if your into that.
Last edited by Idjiki; March 27th, 2008 at 01:46 PM.
Last edited by Terin; March 29th, 2008 at 09:59 PM.
That reminds me of my desk before I got a good mouse pad. I had went through a bunch of the cheapy plastics ones. Then I decided to get a metal one. eXactmat, its one of the sturdy ones, 1/8th inch aluminum with anodized sides. Or get something like it, cause that looks like some heavy wear. Oh and I rewired my computer how I should have the first when I reassembled it after the RMA, my temps drops 2-3 C at idle just from moving the wires out of the way. Also, whats up guys, haven't been on in a while.
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