I've had a few people asking me "What addons should I get for Gmod?" lately, so I've decided to make a thread about it. I'll go over what addons you need, what addons you might want and what addons you might not want now, as well as explaining what they are, how to install them and also how to get into gmod (bold text is the latest edit).
May want:
- PheoniX-Storms Final v2: This is the most used model pack in all of Gmod. You'd be hard pressed to find a server which doesn't support it, and for builders, it's pretty much essential. It has uniform peices from tirangles, to tubes, to BOMBS, to RT screens (so that you can show what an RT camera sees on something anybody can view) and a pile of other shit as well.
- Wire mod: Wire gives Gmod so much extra abilities, it would take me half an hour to go through them all. basically, it gives you the ability to "program" anything from thrusters, to hoverballs, to numpads, to doors, to hydrolics, to anything. It also has screens if you need to display values or something (such as energy levels on a spacebuild ship), sound emitters (playing songs from any source game you have) and a heap of other crap. Can be used to make auto-tracking turrets, deathtraps, self correcting planes and so much more. Wire also comes with the advanced duplicator, which allows you to copy and save entire contraptions or bases, and then upload them to servers (or download them to your HD if you made them on a server) to use in multiplayer.
Random shit I like (svn's may be required for some of them):
- Smart Snap: Displays a "holographic" grid over props, so that you can align things exactly (press E and your tool will automatically align at exactly 90 degrees to which ever grid intersection is closest to the crosshair). Indespensible for any half serious builder.
- Easy Precision: My tool of choice when it comes to constrains. It can do sliders, axis's, welds, parenting, ballsockets and one or two other things I can't remember, and gives you lots more variables to tweek (offsets, insets, friction etc).
- Stacker: If your one of those guys who likes to make random forts around the map, then the stacker tool is for you. If you've ever been in a server and seen somebody magically spawn 5 props all in lign with each other, this is how they did it. Really, this should be in the need group.
- Smart Constraint: Allows you to weld and/or no-colide multiple props at once. Left click to select props (highlights them red so you can tell what is and isn't selected), right click to activate. Cheers to trace for reminding me about this bad boy.
- Weight Stool: Allows you to adjust the weight of anything from props, to sents, to vehicles, to ragdolls. Be aware that adjusting the weight of a prop reduces the strength that a weld exerts on it (no idea why :/ ). Thanks to Nick for reminding me.
There's a great tutorial on how to install and use SVN's around here somewhere, but I can't find it.
- Spacebuild: Fly me to the moon.. Anyways, Spacebuild is exactly what it says on the can. Build space ships, and fly them around the universe. There's quite a few addons needed, but if you just want to play multiplayer, You don't need them and I can't find half of them so I'm not going to list them. However, to save you 10 (more like 30 for me :/) minutes waiting time while you join a server, I suggest you get this, this and this (my favourite maps).
- Gcombat: BOOM MOTHA FUCKER!! Gcombat has a pile of realistic (and less than realistic) weaponary for those who want to make war, not love. LRM, smart missiles, terain avoiding missiles, lasers, vulcan cannons, Torpedo's, Energy daggers and more are the mainstay of gcombat and brings Gmod warfare to the next level. The health of a prop is determined by it's weight, so you can use the weight stool to make your contraptions harder to destroy (at the trade off of them becoming heavier). Unfortunately, I've only found a small handful of servers that support it. :/
- Spacebuild model pack: A pile of modular props for use with spacebuild. their all very minimalist (not to say their not extremely functional) to reduce server lag (definently a good thing in spacebuild)
- Stargate: More than just stargates! Along with the glowy blue guys (did I mention it has SG1 and Atlantis gates?), it also has iris's (hurrr), Ring transporters, weapons (jafa staff's, zats, ribbon devices, sodan cloaks, ring callers, etc), big guns (for ships, including drones and laser cannons), shields, cloaks and more.
- Shuttle: Building flying contraptions has never been easier. Simply weld the shuttle into your contraption, press e on it and you can fly it
(and it doesn't require life support in spacebuild). you may want to set it's transparency to 0 with the colour tool first though (for aesthetic reasons). Note that this is really only useful on small fighters (anything more than 150% the size of the jalopy will start to suffer)
- Hoverboard: The hoverboard is just fun. you can do stunts, glide, skid, jump, boost or whatever. it also makes it easier to get around the larger maps like flatgrass.
- Tiled building blocks: Compatible with PHX, the TBB pack took a while to take off, but the extra peices it offers are incredible. Really worth a look.
This'll do for now anyways.
If anybody feels I've forgotten something or have their own 2 cents to add, don't hesitate to speak up. I'm hoping that this can get a big fat sticky (partly to help new players, partly to stop them bugging me).
E: Boba pointed out in chat that I didn't mention how to install the addons (facepalm.jpg).
Navigate to your steam folder and go to steam/steam apps/YOUR_ACCOUNT_NAME/garrysmod/garrysmod/addons. Everything I listed above except the maps goes in that folder.
The maps go in steam/steam apps/YOUR_ACCOUNT_NAME/garrysmod/garrysmod/maps.
I've explained this better down bellow:
also this:
This is a great tutorial on how to use an SVN updater. The one used in this tutorial is Tortise SVN and is the one I and many other people I know use.
To use addon's, simply extract them to your steam/steamapps/your steam user name/garrys mod/garrys mod/addons.
To use custom maps you downloaded outside of the game (as in; not while your were connecting to a server), extract the .bsp to the steam/steamapps/your steam user name/garrys mod/garrys mod/maps folder, and any other files that came with the map in the appropriate folder (eg, if there's stuff in a "materials" folder, extract them to the material's folder in the garrysmod/garrysmod folder).
For those not sure if they want to get into gmod:
end communicationOriginally Posted by n00b1n8R